- Who is the Find My Family Adoption Registry for?
- How to get started searching for your family member?
- How do I submit an adoption record to register with the adoption search reunion registry?
- What happens after I complete and submit the registration form?
- How do I change, update or alter my registration information in the Adoption Reunion Registry?
- How does the Adoption Reunion Registry find my adoptee, birthmother, birthfather, or birthfamily?
- How do I search the adoption reunion registry and what if I find a possible match?
- Should I inform the Adoption Reunion Registry that my registration has been matched or I found the person I was looking for?
- Can I view the most recently added adoption search records?
- How frequently are new adoption records added to the Find My Family adoption reunion registry?
- What is New York State Assembly Bill A5494?
- What is the difference between second cousins and cousins once removed?
- I have another question or need help, who do I talk to?
Who is the Find My Family Adoption Registry for?
This adoption reunion registry is for adoptees and their birth family members who are mutually searching for each other. The Find My Family adoption reunion registry is also for biological parents who want to find the child they relinquished for adoption. Other relatives such as biological siblings and cousins also want to find the adoptee and will register the adoption search in the reunion registry. By using this adoption registry everyone can safely and privately have their reunion facilitated by a volunteer adoption "search angel".
How to get started searching for your family member?
Begin by registering and providing information regarding the adoption. Then search the adoption records from over 90,000+ registrants. If you find a possible match, click on the adoption registration number and an email will be sent to Search Angel Judy who will research if it is a match.
How do I submit an adoption record to register with the adoption search reunion registry?
Go to the registration page and start the registration process. When you complete this first section, clicking the "Continue" button takes you to the "Update your Account Information" page where you provide your contact information. Click "Save Changes" to complete your registration and you can now add who you are searching for.In the "Relationship" section use the pull-down menus to select who you are and who you are searching for.

Click the "Add Adoption Info" button and you are taken to the page form where you fill-in the details you know about this relationship. The more details known increase your chance of being matched.
You are entering information that is placed directly into the Adoption Reunion Registry Database. Please double-check what you are entering for accuracy. After you have entered all the information you know about the adoption, click the "Add to Registry" button to enter the record into the Registry about the person you are searching.
If you are searching for more than one person, repeat the steps in the "Relationship" section described above to add another adoption record into the Find My Family Registry.
What happens after I complete and submit the registration form?
Once you complete your registration and add at least one person you are searching for, the information you entered is placed directly into the Adoption Reunion Registry Database. An email confirmation will automatically be sent to your email address for your records.
To increase the chance of a match to your Registry record(s), periodically log in to Find My Family and update your information to ensure its continued accuracy.
How do I change, update or alter my registration information in the Adoption Reunion Registry?
This is an on-line interactive registry where you can update your information whenever it changes; such as new contact information (email address, phone number, etc.). A new married last name is especially important to update. If you obtain additional information for the adoption case, you should update the record as well.
Click on the "Login" button and login with your email address and password and you are taken to the "Update your Account Information" page. On this page you can update your contact information, add another person you are searching for, and update the information about the people previously submitted you are searching for.
"Your Current Information" section is where you update your contact information. If this is all you are updating, click on the "Save Changes" button in this section.
You can add another search relationship by completing the "Searching for someone else? Add info for another adoption:" section.
The people you are searching for are listed in the "Records in the Registry you have submitted" section, each with their own record ID.

The information you listed for each record can be viewed in text format by clicking the magnifying glass on the far left of the ID number.
If you wish to update and/or add new information for a record, click on the pencil on the left of the ID number and you will be taken to the "Update your Info for Record #" page for this record. Make the updates and/or add new information and click the "Save Changes" button.
When you click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page your updated and/or new information is entered directly into the Adoption Search Registry Database. You will receive an email confirmation automatically.
NOTE: If you registered before November 2008, the email address you gave is also used as your password and can be changed once you login. If you need help, contact me instead of re-registering.
How does the Adoption Reunion Registry find my adoptee, birthmother, birthfather, or birthfamily?
When you register your information is automatically compared to all registrations in the database. If a possible match is found, it is forwarded to me for verification. I will do research to see if there is a match or not. If I find that your registration is matched, I will email you with the contact information for your match.
Also, others searching the Internet for matches will search our registry and let me know if they believe you are their possible match. Again, I will do verification research.
How do I search the adoption reunion registry and what if I find a possible match?
Log in to the registry using your email address and password. Click Search in the left-side navigation to go to the "Search" page. Select the criteria you wish to search for from the drop downs. Also, you may enter any part of the birth name, adoptive name, or registrant's name in the text boxes. After clicking the "Search" button, the "Registry" search results page is displayed. You may further modify your search with the "Search Critieria" box to the right of the results.
If you feel you have found a possible match, click on the registration number and an email will be sent to me. As a "search angel" I will try to verify the match free of charge and correspond to you what I find.
If you do a search and find a possible match without being logged in, clicking on the registration number of the possible match will prompt you to login. After you log in an email will be sent to me of your possible match. If you do not have a login, click the "Click here to Register" link. Upon completion of your registration, an email will be sent to me of your possible match.
Should I inform the Adoption Reunion Registry that my registration has been matched or I found the person I was looking for?
Definitely! This is important so the database can be as accurate as possible so others can be matched more readily.
Log in, go to "Update your Info", and then click to edit your record in the registry. At the bottom of the edit your page check the checkbox in the "Status of Search" section to indicate you have found who you were looking for. Complete this update by clicking "Save Changes".
Can I view the most recently added adoption search records?
To browse the latest adoption records which have been added to the Find My Family reunion registry, you can visit this page.
You can also view the newest search registrations for specific states for example: latest California adoption records, latest Florida adoption records, latest Illinois adoption records, latest New York adoption records, and latest Pennsylvania adoption records.
How frequently are new adoption records added to the Find My Family adoption reunion registry?
In the last 30 days there have been 101 new registrants in the registry.
In the past 24 hours there has been 10 new registrants in the registry.
In the past 7 days there have been:
- 1 new registrant in Arizona
- 5 new registrants in California
- 1 new registrant in Florida
- 2 new registrants in Illinois
- 1 new registrant in Iowa
- 2 new registrants in Massachusetts
- 3 new registrants in Michigan
- 1 new registrant in Nevada
- 2 new registrants in New Jersey
- 1 new registrant in Ohio
- 1 new registrant in Oklahoma
- 1 new registrant in Pennsylvania
- 3 new registrants in Texas
- 4 new registrants in Washington
What is New York State Assembly Bill A5494?
Assembly Bill A5494 from the New York State establishes the right of adoptees to receive a certified copy of their New York birth certificate upon reaching the age of 18, or if the adopted person is deceased, the adopted person's direct line descendants, or the lawful representative of such adopted person, or lawful representatives of such deceased adopted person's direct line descendants.
The full text of New York State Assembly Bill A5494 is available here.
What is the difference between second cousins and cousins once removed?
To understand who in your family tree is a second cousin versus a cousin once removed, and other family relationships, we recommend using this visual family tree diagram.
I have another question or need help, who do I talk to?
If you have a question or want help contact me here.