You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in December in Harris county in Texas, United States.
There are 73 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
40952Click to match with #40952
Dec ??, ?? UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #40952 in Texas family reunion registryView
75847Click to match with #75847
Dec ??, ?? UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #75847 in Texas family reunion registryView
77360Click to match with #77360
Dec ??, ?? HoustonHarrisTexasMaleAccess adoption record #77360 in Texas family reunion registryView
77980Click to match with #77980
Dec 3HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleRead details of adoption record #77980 in Texas family reunion registryView
81070Click to match with #81070
Dec 7HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #81070 in Texas family reunion registryView
94458Click to match with #94458
Dec 24UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #94458 in Texas family reunion registryView
105266Click to match with #105266
Dec 12, 1936UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption record #105266 in Texas family reunion registryView
93783Click to match with #93783
Dec 22, 1945UnknownHarrisTexasMaleAccess adoption record #93783 in Texas family reunion registryView
37083Click to match with #37083
Dec 2, 1948HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8680Click to match with #8680
Dec 27, 1950UnknownHarrisTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
20862Click to match with #20862
Dec 27, 1950HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleRead details of adoption record #20862 in Texas family reunion registryView
74140Click to match with #74140
Dec 29, 1950UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #74140 in Texas family reunion registryView
84076Click to match with #84076
Dec 29, 1950UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #84076 in Texas family reunion registryView
39593Click to match with #39593
Dec 3, 1954HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #39593 in Texas family reunion registryView
41059Click to match with #41059
Dec 13, 1956HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #41059 in Texas family reunion registryView
40430Click to match with #40430
Dec 19, 1957HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleOpen adoption record #40430 in Texas family reunion registryView
10321Click to match with #10321
Dec 4, 1960UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
30327Click to match with #30327
Dec 19, 1960HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleAccess adoption listing #30327 in Texas family reunion registryView
102891Click to match with #102891
Dec 2, 1961HoustonHarrisTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #102891 in Texas family reunion registryView
104710Click to match with #104710
Dec 27, 1961North HoustonHarrisTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #104710 in Texas family reunion registryView
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