You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in May in Lubbock county in Texas, United States.
There are 38 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
99198Click to match with #99198
May ??, ?? UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #99198 in Texas family reunion registryView
110377Click to match with #110377
May 23UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
90769Click to match with #90769
May 28UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #90769 in Texas family reunion registryView
26963Click to match with #26963
May 2, 1949UnknownUnknownTexasUnknownAccess adoption record #26963 in Texas family reunion registryView
79830Click to match with #79830
May 2, 1954UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption record #79830 in Texas family reunion registryView
8143Click to match with #8143
May 26, 1954LubbockLubbockTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
76521Click to match with #76521
May 28, 1957UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #76521 in Texas family reunion registryView
86104Click to match with #86104
May 19, 1958UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption listing #86104 in Texas family reunion registryView
92814Click to match with #92814
May 20, 1958UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #92814 in Texas family reunion registryView
30286Click to match with #30286
May 13, 1961UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleView adoption listing #30286 in Texas family reunion registryView
78002Click to match with #78002
May 3, 1963UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption listing #78002 in Texas family reunion registryView
29170Click to match with #29170
May 26, 1964UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
41977Click to match with #41977
May 24, 1967UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption listing #41977 in Texas family reunion registryView
98006Click to match with #98006
May 16, 1969UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #98006 in Texas family reunion registryView
98333Click to match with #98333
May 1971UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleView adoption record #98333 in Texas family reunion registryView
76036Click to match with #76036
May 1972UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #76036 in Texas family reunion registryView
110053Click to match with #110053
May 12, 1972UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
84232Click to match with #84232
May 23, 1975UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #84232 in Texas family reunion registryView
12613Click to match with #12613
May 4, 1976LubbockLubbockTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #12613 in Texas family reunion registryView
75194Click to match with #75194
May 1977UnknownUnknownTexasUnknownOpen adoption record #75194 in Texas family reunion registryView
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