
Registrant Susan Parker is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in California in 1977 on March 9th. She was born Susan Marie Kendall in Los Angeles in Los Angeles County. LA County handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Susan Corinne Parker.

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California Adoption Record: # 40599

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Susan Parker

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Susan Marie Kendall
Adoptive Name: Susan Corinne Parker
Date of Birth: Mar 9, 1977 at 12:36 am (now 47 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Los Angeles city, Los Angeles county, California USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: (Regan)
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Kendall
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Whites Memorial Medical Center
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: LA County

Additional Info
Hello - new here and searching for my birth mom/dad/family. The information I know:
Born: Whites Memorial Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA.
March 9, 1977, 12:36 AM, physician was Raymond Eberhart.
I do not have an original birth certificate. I have a brother born January 13, 1978 and he was placed in another foster home. We were adopted together in December, 1982.
I have a book given to me by the adoption case worker (Irene Mellick) containing letters, pictures of my foster family, etc. The letter states, 'When I was 6 months old, my birth dad left my mom and she couldn't take care of me, so she put me with Ann and James Wesley. They are my mom and dad now.' This was actually my foster family until I was 5 years old.
Foster parents were Ann and James Wesley, and they had a daughter who was about 14 years older, named Selina (I requested someone on FB who maybe her, and sent a message, but have not heard back yet.)
I was told my name was Susan Marie Ramsey, and brother was Donald. I am not certain this is accurate though. I was also told my mom was 15, and dad was incarcerated. Sketchy info as to when or why, but my brother and I supposedly share same birth parents.

Registered: July 8, 2016

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