
Registrant Sheri Dunn is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in California in 1967 on April 12th. She was born in San Francisco in San Francisco County to a 20 year old birthmother. Her adoptive name became Sheri Lynn Dunn.

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California Adoption Record: # 22342

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Sheri Dunn

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name: Sheri Lynn Dunn
Date of Birth: Apr 12, 1967 at 4:02 pm (now 57 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: San Francisco city, San Francisco county, California USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Nov 1946 (now 77 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 20
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Sep 1944 (now 79 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 22
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Kaiser Foundation Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
Birth mother: only child born in N. Carolina. Ethnic heritage is Scotch-Irish. Religion was Catholic. She stated in the records that her mother was a housewife and her father was retired from an Iron foundry job. Apparently her parents were not happily married and argued. Her childhood was not very happy. She went to live with her grandmother until she was 13 then returned to her parents home. She was encouraged to make her own living at age 15. She worked in a car hop through high school. She married in Sept. 21, 1963 in Texas then divorced in July 13,1966 in San Francisco. She met my birth father while still married and began seeing him. When she became pregnant with me, my birth father decided the single life was what he wanted even though my birth mother tried to convince him to marry her and take responsibility for their child (me). She finally decided to relinquish me.
While pregnant with me she worked as a post office clerk in San Francisco. She weighed 115 lbs. 5' 6' tall, fair complexion, green eyes, blond hair.
Her mother was born in Germany and her birthdate is January 19, 1922, she completed schooling through grade 12. Her father's birthdate is Sept. 6, 1913 and he completed schooling to grade 8.

Birth father: an only child born in Minnesota. Ethnic heritage is Polish and German. His mother worked in a factory, her birthdate is March 2, 1918 and she completed schooling to 7th grade. His father drove a milk truck, his birthdate is May 11 (year was erased) and he completed schooling to 8th grade. After completing high school my birth father served three years in the Marines (Sgt.). Later he worked at a Navy steelyard. He was 5' 11' tall, 173 lbs., fair complected, blue eyes, brown hair.

Registered: April 27, 2013

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