You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in April in Warren county in Ohio, United States.
There are 36 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
107978Click to match with #107978
Apr 21UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption record #107978 in Ohio family reunion registryView
93460Click to match with #93460
Apr 28, 1929UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #93460 in Ohio family reunion registryView
99554Click to match with #99554
Apr 13, 1945UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #99554 in Ohio family reunion registryView
103426Click to match with #103426
Apr 13, 1945UnknownUnknownOhioMaleOpen adoption record #103426 in Ohio family reunion registryView
104857Click to match with #104857
Apr 28, 1950UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #104857 in Ohio family reunion registryView
93038Click to match with #93038
Apr 24, 1955UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #93038 in Ohio family reunion registryView
16641Click to match with #16641
Apr 10, 1959UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption record #16641 in Ohio family reunion registryView
21289Click to match with #21289
Apr 17, 1959UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #21289 in Ohio family reunion registryView
87495Click to match with #87495
Apr 4, 1962UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #87495 in Ohio family reunion registryView
29067Click to match with #29067
Apr 9, 1965UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #29067 in Ohio family reunion registryView
11338Click to match with #11338
Apr 10, 1967UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
96516Click to match with #96516
Apr 21, 1967UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #96516 in Ohio family reunion registryView
23335Click to match with #23335
Apr 28, 1969UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption listing #23335 in Ohio family reunion registryView
9848Click to match with #9848
Apr 10, 1970UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
105380Click to match with #105380
Apr 29, 1970UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption record #105380 in Ohio family reunion registryView
15165Click to match with #15165
Apr 6, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleOpen adoption record #15165 in Ohio family reunion registryView
35596Click to match with #35596
Apr 9, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #35596 in Ohio family reunion registryView
32578Click to match with #32578
Apr 22, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #32578 in Ohio family reunion registryView
9895Click to match with #9895
Apr 24, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
77654Click to match with #77654
Apr 1974UnknownUnknownOhioMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
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