You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in May in Franklin county in Ohio, United States.
There are 69 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
80818Click to match with #80818
May ??, ?? UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption record #80818 in Ohio family reunion registryView
36162Click to match with #36162
May 6ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleView adoption record #36162 in Ohio family reunion registryView
13890Click to match with #13890
May 10UnknownUnknownOhioMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
79792Click to match with #79792
May 10UnknownUnknownOhioMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
95106Click to match with #95106
May 24, 1945ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #95106 in Ohio family reunion registryView
78659Click to match with #78659
May 5, 1947UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #78659 in Ohio family reunion registryView
13314Click to match with #13314
May 12, 1951ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleView adoption listing #13314 in Ohio family reunion registryView
73805Click to match with #73805
May 12, 1951ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
108265Click to match with #108265
May 26, 1951UnknownUnknownOhioMaleView adoption listing #108265 in Ohio family reunion registryView
30569Click to match with #30569
May 5, 1953ColumbusFranklinOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #30569 in Ohio family reunion registryView
83366Click to match with #83366
May 19, 1954UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #83366 in Ohio family reunion registryView
111013Click to match with #111013
May 20, 1954UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #111013 in Ohio family reunion registryView
73737Click to match with #73737
May 16, 1955ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleView adoption listing #73737 in Ohio family reunion registryView
22637Click to match with #22637
May 11, 1959UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #22637 in Ohio family reunion registryView
22638Click to match with #22638
May 11, 1959UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #22638 in Ohio family reunion registryView
87193Click to match with #87193
May 14, 1959UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #87193 in Ohio family reunion registryView
36145Click to match with #36145
May 1, 1961ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #36145 in Ohio family reunion registryView
32964Click to match with #32964
May 31, 1961UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #32964 in Ohio family reunion registryView
105621Click to match with #105621
May 5, 1963ColumbusFranklinOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #105621 in Ohio family reunion registryView
36406Click to match with #36406
May 22, 1963ColumbusFranklinOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #36406 in Ohio family reunion registryView
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