You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in October in Tioga county in New York, United States.
There are 42 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
42298Click to match with #42298
Oct 15UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption record #42298 in New York family reunion registryView
13949Click to match with #13949
Oct 20UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleView adoption listing #13949 in New York family reunion registryView
104483Click to match with #104483
Oct 20, 1945UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #104483 in New York family reunion registryView
84488Click to match with #84488
Oct 5, 1947UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleOpen adoption listing #84488 in New York family reunion registryView
96463Click to match with #96463
Oct 29, 1947Newark ValleyTiogaNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #96463 in New York family reunion registryView
79331Click to match with #79331
Oct 14, 1951UnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownView adoption record #79331 in New York family reunion registryView
97712Click to match with #97712
Oct 4, 1958UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleView adoption listing #97712 in New York family reunion registryView
8855Click to match with #8855
Oct 19, 1959UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
105600Click to match with #105600
Oct 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption record #105600 in New York family reunion registryView
102190Click to match with #102190
Oct 5, 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleOpen adoption listing #102190 in New York family reunion registryView
73530Click to match with #73530
Oct 11, 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption listing #73530 in New York family reunion registryView
12237Click to match with #12237
Oct 23, 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
93921Click to match with #93921
Oct 29, 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption listing #93921 in New York family reunion registryView
104692Click to match with #104692
Oct 27, 1962UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption listing #104692 in New York family reunion registryView
27449Click to match with #27449
Oct 31, 1962WaverlyTiogaNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption listing #27449 in New York family reunion registryView
106751Click to match with #106751
Oct 22, 1963UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleOpen adoption record #106751 in New York family reunion registryView
21962Click to match with #21962
Oct 9, 1965UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption record #21962 in New York family reunion registryView
39025Click to match with #39025
Oct 23, 1965UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption record #39025 in New York family reunion registryView
111144Click to match with #111144
Oct 9, 1966UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption listing #111144 in New York family reunion registryView
95077Click to match with #95077
Oct 23, 1966UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleOpen adoption listing #95077 in New York family reunion registryView
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