You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in October in Dallas county in Texas, United States.
There are 66 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
84081Click to match with #84081
Oct 24MesquiteDallasTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #84081 in Texas family reunion registryView
37464Click to match with #37464
Oct 23, 1923UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
40941Click to match with #40941
Oct 27, 1948DallasDallasTexasMaleRead details of adoption listing #40941 in Texas family reunion registryView
39206Click to match with #39206
Oct 1949DallasDallasTexasMaleView adoption listing #39206 in Texas family reunion registryView
12939Click to match with #12939
Oct 16, 1950DallasDallasTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #12939 in Texas family reunion registryView
76396Click to match with #76396
Oct 12, 1953UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #76396 in Texas family reunion registryView
101069Click to match with #101069
Oct 22, 1953DallasDallasTexasUnknownRead details of adoption listing #101069 in Texas family reunion registryView
101070Click to match with #101070
Oct 22, 1953UnknownUnknownTexasUnknownView adoption record #101070 in Texas family reunion registryView
106916Click to match with #106916
Oct 14, 1961DallasDallasTexasMaleView adoption listing #106916 in Texas family reunion registryView
92845Click to match with #92845
Oct 19, 1961UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleView adoption record #92845 in Texas family reunion registryView
92663Click to match with #92663
Oct 20, 1961DallasDallasTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #92663 in Texas family reunion registryView
84031Click to match with #84031
Oct 25, 1961DallasDallasTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #84031 in Texas family reunion registryView
33684Click to match with #33684
Oct 2, 1963DallasDallasTexasFemaleOpen adoption record #33684 in Texas family reunion registryView
109046Click to match with #109046
Oct 8, 1964DallasDallasTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #109046 in Texas family reunion registryView
96331Click to match with #96331
Oct 11, 1964DallasDallasTexasMaleOpen adoption record #96331 in Texas family reunion registryView
20868Click to match with #20868
Oct 13, 1965DallasDallasTexasFemaleView adoption record #20868 in Texas family reunion registryView
75867Click to match with #75867
Oct 20, 1965UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption record #75867 in Texas family reunion registryView
107271Click to match with #107271
Oct 12, 1966DallasDallasTexasFemaleAccess adoption listing #107271 in Texas family reunion registryView
81799Click to match with #81799
Oct 5, 1967DallasDallasTexasMaleAccess adoption record #81799 in Texas family reunion registryView
81914Click to match with #81914
Oct 5, 1967DallasDallasTexasMaleView adoption record #81914 in Texas family reunion registryView
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