You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Fayette county in Kentucky, United States.
There are 228 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 40
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
109234Click to match with #109234
Jul 14UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleAccess adoption record #109234 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
104154Click to match with #104154
Jul 25UnknownFayetteKentuckyMaleRead details of adoption record #104154 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
84567Click to match with #84567
Jul 29UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #84567 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
109718Click to match with #109718
Oct 25UnknownFayetteKentuckyMaleAccess adoption record #109718 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
83336Click to match with #83336
May 23, 1925UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #83336 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
102120Click to match with #102120
Feb 7, 1928UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleView adoption record #102120 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
107329Click to match with #107329
Jul 16, 1934UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleOpen adoption listing #107329 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
92832Click to match with #92832
Jun 11, 1936UnknownUnknownKentuckyUnknownAccess adoption record #92832 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
95925Click to match with #95925
Jan 1937UnknownUnknownKentuckyUnknownOpen adoption record #95925 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
36172Click to match with #36172
1942UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
110637Click to match with #110637
1942UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
91615Click to match with #91615
1945UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleView adoption listing #91615 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
80828Click to match with #80828
Jun 18, 1946UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleView adoption record #80828 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
91620Click to match with #91620
1948UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleOpen adoption record #91620 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
109014Click to match with #109014
1949UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleOpen adoption listing #109014 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
86720Click to match with #86720
Feb 3, 1949UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleView adoption record #86720 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
95760Click to match with #95760
Nov 20, 1949UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleAccess adoption record #95760 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
98000Click to match with #98000
Mar 1951UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
87523Click to match with #87523
Oct 18, 1951UnknownUnknownKentuckyUnknownAccess adoption record #87523 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
73863Click to match with #73863
May 16, 1956UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleAccess adoption listing #73863 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
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