You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in September in La Salle county in Illinois, United States.
There are 34 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 34
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
40783Click to match with #40783
Sep 27, 1968UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #40783 in Illinois family reunion registryView
107635Click to match with #107635
Sep 1970UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleOpen adoption record #107635 in Illinois family reunion registryView
74224Click to match with #74224
Sep 13, 1970UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption listing #74224 in Illinois family reunion registryView
29828Click to match with #29828
Sep 1971UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption listing #29828 in Illinois family reunion registryView
18096Click to match with #18096
Sep 28, 1971UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleRead details of adoption listing #18096 in Illinois family reunion registryView
8479Click to match with #8479
Sep 7, 1977UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
90713Click to match with #90713
Sep 6, 1983UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption listing #90713 in Illinois family reunion registryView
73799Click to match with #73799
Sep 1984UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleView adoption listing #73799 in Illinois family reunion registryView
23030Click to match with #23030
Sep 1992UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
105487Click to match with #105487
Sep 13, 1992UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #105487 in Illinois family reunion registryView
29293Click to match with #29293
Sep 28, 1995UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption record #29293 in Illinois family reunion registryView
38013Click to match with #38013
Sep 16, 1997UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
87501Click to match with #87501
Sep 10, 1998UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption listing #87501 in Illinois family reunion registryView
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