You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in July in Potter county in Texas, United States.
There are 26 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
85470Click to match with #85470
Jul 16UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #85470 in Texas family reunion registryView
8503Click to match with #8503
Jul 6, 1942UnknownUnknownTexasMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8545Click to match with #8545
Jul 5, 1951UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
101663Click to match with #101663
Jul 12, 1958UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #101663 in Texas family reunion registryView
42199Click to match with #42199
Jul 1963UnknownUnknownTexasMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
78689Click to match with #78689
Jul 2, 1966UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #78689 in Texas family reunion registryView
84796Click to match with #84796
Jul 8, 1967UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #84796 in Texas family reunion registryView
26737Click to match with #26737
Jul 24, 1967AmarilloPotterTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
81800Click to match with #81800
Jul 1969UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleOpen adoption listing #81800 in Texas family reunion registryView
8248Click to match with #8248
Jul 15, 1969UnknownPotterTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
35136Click to match with #35136
Jul 5, 1970UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #35136 in Texas family reunion registryView
74025Click to match with #74025
Jul 17, 1974AmarilloPotterTexasFemaleOpen adoption record #74025 in Texas family reunion registryView
14654Click to match with #14654
Jul 22, 1975UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #14654 in Texas family reunion registryView
14655Click to match with #14655
Jul 22, 1975UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #14655 in Texas family reunion registryView
79617Click to match with #79617
Jul 29, 1975UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleOpen adoption record #79617 in Texas family reunion registryView
30562Click to match with #30562
Jul 29, 1981UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption record #30562 in Texas family reunion registryView
35895Click to match with #35895
Jul 1982UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #35895 in Texas family reunion registryView
14306Click to match with #14306
Jul 2, 1982AmarilloPotterTexasFemaleView adoption record #14306 in Texas family reunion registryView
33486Click to match with #33486
Jul 11, 1982UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleView adoption listing #33486 in Texas family reunion registryView
82513Click to match with #82513
Jul 7, 1984UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #82513 in Texas family reunion registryView
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