You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in October in Cook county in Illinois, United States.
There are 139 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 121 to 139
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
102186Click to match with #102186
Oct 1990UnknownCookIllinoisMaleView adoption record #102186 in Illinois family reunion registryView
23061Click to match with #23061
Oct 5, 1990ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleAccess adoption listing #23061 in Illinois family reunion registryView
82947Click to match with #82947
Oct 9, 1990Palos HeightsCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #82947 in Illinois family reunion registryView
92277Click to match with #92277
Oct 22, 1990ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #92277 in Illinois family reunion registryView
88357Click to match with #88357
Oct 8, 1991UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption listing #88357 in Illinois family reunion registryView
17896Click to match with #17896
Oct 25, 1991ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption listing #17896 in Illinois family reunion registryView
74679Click to match with #74679
Oct 10, 1992ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
87106Click to match with #87106
Oct 10, 1992ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #87106 in Illinois family reunion registryView
99245Click to match with #99245
Oct 11, 1992UnknownCookIllinoisMaleAccess adoption listing #99245 in Illinois family reunion registryView
96054Click to match with #96054
Oct 29, 1993ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleOpen adoption listing #96054 in Illinois family reunion registryView
76705Click to match with #76705
Oct 7, 1994Oak ParkCookIllinoisFemaleView adoption record #76705 in Illinois family reunion registryView
92389Click to match with #92389
Oct 7, 1994Oak ParkCookIllinoisUnknownAccess adoption record #92389 in Illinois family reunion registryView
107554Click to match with #107554
Oct 1, 1995ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleAccess adoption record #107554 in Illinois family reunion registryView
110890Click to match with #110890
Oct 26, 1998ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #110890 in Illinois family reunion registryView
92275Click to match with #92275
Oct 12, 1999ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #92275 in Illinois family reunion registryView
91662Click to match with #91662
Oct 19, 1999ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption record #91662 in Illinois family reunion registryView
86643Click to match with #86643
Oct 23, 1999ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleView adoption listing #86643 in Illinois family reunion registryView
86644Click to match with #86644
Oct 23, 1999ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleView adoption listing #86644 in Illinois family reunion registryView
110484Click to match with #110484
Oct 12, 2000UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleView adoption listing #110484 in Illinois family reunion registryView
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