You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in October in Cook county in Illinois, United States.
There are 139 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
98426Click to match with #98426
Oct 23, 1925ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption listing #98426 in Illinois family reunion registryView
102910Click to match with #102910
Oct 29, 1930EvanstonCookIllinoisMaleRead details of adoption record #102910 in Illinois family reunion registryView
84892Click to match with #84892
Oct 31, 1930UnknownCookIllinoisMaleOpen adoption listing #84892 in Illinois family reunion registryView
98916Click to match with #98916
Oct 20, 1931UnknownCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption listing #98916 in Illinois family reunion registryView
92827Click to match with #92827
Oct 31, 1931UnknownCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #92827 in Illinois family reunion registryView
84867Click to match with #84867
Oct 28, 1936ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption listing #84867 in Illinois family reunion registryView
100414Click to match with #100414
Oct 31, 1941UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleView adoption record #100414 in Illinois family reunion registryView
111070Click to match with #111070
Oct 9, 1943ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #111070 in Illinois family reunion registryView
77758Click to match with #77758
Oct 9, 1944ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleOpen adoption record #77758 in Illinois family reunion registryView
102057Click to match with #102057
Oct 14, 1944ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #102057 in Illinois family reunion registryView
85737Click to match with #85737
Oct 3, 1949UnknownCookIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
39108Click to match with #39108
Oct 4, 1949ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption listing #39108 in Illinois family reunion registryView
39109Click to match with #39109
Oct 4, 1949ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #39109 in Illinois family reunion registryView
39110Click to match with #39110
Oct 4, 1949ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #39110 in Illinois family reunion registryView
17532Click to match with #17532
Oct 3, 1950ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleOpen adoption listing #17532 in Illinois family reunion registryView
105365Click to match with #105365
Oct 16, 1950ChicagoCookIllinoisUnknownView adoption listing #105365 in Illinois family reunion registryView
87398Click to match with #87398
Oct 16, 1951ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption listing #87398 in Illinois family reunion registryView
9735Click to match with #9735
Oct 18, 1951ChicagoCookIllinoisFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
85254Click to match with #85254
Oct 3, 1952ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleRead details of adoption record #85254 in Illinois family reunion registryView
37539Click to match with #37539
Oct 1, 1953ChicagoCookIllinoisMaleOpen adoption record #37539 in Illinois family reunion registryView
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