You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in December in San Francisco county in California, United States.
There are 234 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
33988Click to match with #33988
Dec ??, ?? UnknownUnknownCaliforniaMaleView adoption listing #33988 in California family reunion registryView
41805Click to match with #41805
Dec ??, ?? UnknownUnknownCaliforniaMaleRead details of adoption listing #41805 in California family reunion registryView
91107Click to match with #91107
Dec ??, ?? UnknownUnknownCaliforniaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #91107 in California family reunion registryView
8788Click to match with #8788
Dec 4San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10053Click to match with #10053
Dec 4UnknownUnknownCaliforniaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
16552Click to match with #16552
Dec 5UnknownUnknownCaliforniaMaleOpen adoption record #16552 in California family reunion registryView
79157Click to match with #79157
Dec 13UnknownUnknownCaliforniaFemaleAccess adoption record #79157 in California family reunion registryView
30873Click to match with #30873
Dec 28UnknownUnknownCaliforniaUnknownView adoption listing #30873 in California family reunion registryView
14609Click to match with #14609
Dec 4, 1916San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaMaleOpen adoption record #14609 in California family reunion registryView
106101Click to match with #106101
Dec 14, 1923San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaFemaleView adoption listing #106101 in California family reunion registryView
97054Click to match with #97054
Dec 25, 1926UnknownUnknownCaliforniaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #97054 in California family reunion registryView
83461Click to match with #83461
Dec 18, 1931UnknownUnknownCaliforniaMaleAccess adoption record #83461 in California family reunion registryView
20347Click to match with #20347
Dec 11, 1934San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaFemaleView adoption listing #20347 in California family reunion registryView
90330Click to match with #90330
Dec 1936San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaUnknownRead details of adoption listing #90330 in California family reunion registryView
33111Click to match with #33111
Dec 10, 1941UnknownUnknownCaliforniaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
88916Click to match with #88916
Dec 12, 1942San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaFemaleOpen adoption listing #88916 in California family reunion registryView
4908Click to match with #4908
Dec 3, 1944UnknownSan FranciscoCaliforniaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
7000Click to match with #7000
Dec 2, 1945UnknownSan FranciscoCaliforniaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10202Click to match with #10202
Dec 31, 1945San FranciscoSan FranciscoCaliforniaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
36027Click to match with #36027
Dec 14, 1946UnknownUnknownCaliforniaMaleView adoption listing #36027 in California family reunion registryView
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