
Registrant Morgan Castle is a birth sibling looking for adoptee. The adoptee was born in New York. She was born Laura to birthmother Deena K Castle (maiden name Perales). Her adoptive name became Laura.

Online Genealogy and Family Research Resources

CASTLE results at - more than 1.5 billion records
Deena Perales records at

New York Adoption Record: # 26711

Birth Sibling looking for Adoptee
Morgan Castle

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Laura
Adoptive Name: Laura
Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Deena K Castle (Perales)
Born: Mar 5
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Laura
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Registered: March 25, 2014

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