You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in New York, United States.
There are 4,322 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
8510Click to match with #8510
UnknownUnknownNew York CityNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8738Click to match with #8738
UnknownUnknownNew York CityNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8771Click to match with #8771
UnknownUnknownErieNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8786Click to match with #8786
UnknownUnknownNiagaraNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
8861Click to match with #8861
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
9624Click to match with #9624
UnknownBuffaloErieNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10262Click to match with #10262
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10623Click to match with #10623
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10655Click to match with #10655
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
10762Click to match with #10762
UnknownUnknownNew York CityNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11177Click to match with #11177
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11375Click to match with #11375
UnknownUnknownNew York CityNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11454Click to match with #11454
UnknownUnknownKingsNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11455Click to match with #11455
UnknownUnknownKingsNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11456Click to match with #11456
UnknownUnknownKingsNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
12074Click to match with #12074
UnknownUnknownNew York CityNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
13228Click to match with #13228
UnknownMineolaNassauNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption record #13228 in New York family reunion registryView
13229Click to match with #13229
UnknownUnknownNassauNew YorkUnknownAccess adoption record #13229 in New York family reunion registryView
14329Click to match with #14329
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption record #14329 in New York family reunion registryView
14330Click to match with #14330
UnknownUnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption listing #14330 in New York family reunion registryView
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