
Registrant C Cochrane is a birth mother looking for her son. The adoptee was born in Nevada on August 23rd. He was born Aamir-Khala Pharoah Cochran in Las Vegas in Clark County to 27 year old birthmother C Cochran. A CHILDS DREAM handled the adoption.

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Nevada Adoption Record: # 112003

Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
C Cochrane

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Aamir-Khala Pharoah Cochran
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Aug 23 at 13:52 p.m.
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Las Vegas city, Clark county, Nevada USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: C Cochran
Born: Jun 7, 1979 (now 45 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 27
Religion: Catholic

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Spring Valley
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: A CHILDS DREAM

Additional Info
i named you Aamir-Khala they changed it to reflect baby boy cochrane\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\your birthday is August 23, 2007

Registered: March 29, 2024
Updated: May 22, 2024

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