
Registrant Danyel Wallace is an adoptee's spouse looking for adoptee. The adoptee was born in California in 2002 on January 17th. He was born Julius Travon Grant in San Luis Obispo in San Luis Obispo County to 23 year old birthmother Julia Danyel Jones (maiden name Jones). Utah State handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Julius Travon Wallace.

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WALLACE results at - more than 1.5 billion records
Julia Jones records at
Ulysses Grant records at
California Adoption Record: # 111464

Adoptee's Spouse looking for Adoptee
Danyel Wallace

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Julius Travon Grant
Adoptive Name: Julius Travon Wallace
Date of Birth: Jan 17, 2002 (now 23 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: San Luis Obispo city, San Luis Obispo county, California USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Julia Danyel Jones (Jones)
Born: Sep 30, 1979 (now 45 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 23
Religion: Christian

Birthfather's Info
Name: Ulysses S Grant
Born: Apr 12, 1976 (now 48 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: French Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Utah State

Additional Info
My uncle adopted my children during period I experiencing extreme hardships, incarciration, and addiction. It was not supposed to be cut off from family. I was supposed and it was agreed upon for me to have contact with my kids and family. My uncle did not honor our agreement and have discrimating and abused the orginal agreement and contract for adoption. I seeking my kids please

Registered: November 30, 2023

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