Registrant Kristy Nabors Elkins is a birth mother looking for her daughter. The adoptee was born in Alabama in 1989 on May 23rd. She was born to 21 year old birthmother Kristy Lynn Elkins (maiden name Nabors). Kathleen M Warren Attorney handled the adoption.Online Genealogy and Family Research Resources
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Alabama Adoption Record: # 113086
Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Kristy Nabors Elkins
Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: May 23, 1989 at 2:02pm (now 35 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Alabama USA
Birthmother's Info
Name: Kristy Lynn Elkins (Nabors)
Born: Apr 7, 1968 (now 56 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Baptist
Birthfather's Info
Name: William Charles Limbaugh
Born: Jan 1959 (now 66 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 30
Religion: Methodist
Born at Hospital: Holy Name Of Jesus
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Kathleen M Warren Attorney
Additional Info
my name is Kristy Nabors Elkins. My daughter was born at Holy Name of Jesus Hospital in Gadsden AL on May 23rd, 1989. It was a private adoption through Kathleen M. Warren attorney in Gadsden and my practicing OB doctor who worked at the hospital. It was a closed adoption so I was not allowed any information about her. I have wanted to find her all of these years. She would be 36 years old. She might have been adopted by another doctor and his wife. They might have lived in Birmingham Alabama.
Registered: January 31, 2025
Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Kristy Nabors Elkins
Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: May 23, 1989 at 2:02pm (now 35 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Unknown county, Alabama USA
Birthmother's Info
Name: Kristy Lynn Elkins (Nabors)
Born: Apr 7, 1968 (now 56 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Baptist
Birthfather's Info
Name: William Charles Limbaugh
Born: Jan 1959 (now 66 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 30
Religion: Methodist
Born at Hospital: Holy Name Of Jesus
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Kathleen M Warren Attorney
Additional Info
my name is Kristy Nabors Elkins. My daughter was born at Holy Name of Jesus Hospital in Gadsden AL on May 23rd, 1989. It was a private adoption through Kathleen M. Warren attorney in Gadsden and my practicing OB doctor who worked at the hospital. It was a closed adoption so I was not allowed any information about her. I have wanted to find her all of these years. She would be 36 years old. She might have been adopted by another doctor and his wife. They might have lived in Birmingham Alabama.
Registered: January 31, 2025
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