
Registrant Cynthia Warner is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in California in 1981 on November 9th. She was born Cynthia Lynn Morrow in Seaside in Monterey County to a 17 year old birthmother with the maiden name of Sweat. ventura county handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Cynthia Lynn Warner.

Online Genealogy and Family Research Resources

WARNER results at - more than 1.5 billion records
Bobbette Sweat records at
Billy Morrow records at
California Adoption Record: # 12909

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Cynthia Warner

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Cynthia Lynn Morrow
Adoptive Name: Cynthia Lynn Warner
Date of Birth: Nov 9, 1981 at unk (now 42 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Seaside city, Monterey county, California USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Bobbette Maxine (Sweat)
Born: Feb 1963 (now 61 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 17
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Billy Wayne Morrow
Born: Sep 1960 (now 63 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Cynthia Lynn Morrow
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: ventura county

Additional Info
Birth dates of biological parents is approximate. I am in

regular contact with my biological father, Bill Morrow. Last I

spoke to me biological mother, Bobette Sweat, she was in NV state

prison. She was released on house arrest and I was not able to

reconnect with her.

I was accepted to be filmed on the Sally Jesse Raphael show in

2001, to reconnect with my birth family. I gave the producers

much of my distraught info that had accumulated over 6-7 years of

being in foster care, and finally adopted at age 8. Then, at age

18, when my story was accepted for talk show filming, I had a

flight confirmation number that I was waiting upon. I was told

to fly into NY on Sept 9, filming would take place on Sept 10,

and I would head home on Sept 11. When I didn't hear from the

producers, I was understandably devastated. Had a dress and

everything. The only thing I had hoped for for over half of my

life, at that time, turned out to only be a danging carrot.
Then I realized, as my adoptive cousin called me fratically on

Sept 11, 2001, asking if I was in NY, that there was a reason I

wasnt chosen to be on the show. I turned on the TV and saw why

she was so worried. Terrorized planes had plummeted into the

towers and pentagon.

I later discovered, if I was on the show, I would have been on

that ONE plane at that ONE time from JFK to LAX that was in the

terrorist attacks.

Sally Jesse Show gave me contact info a week later, to connect

with my bio mom and dad. I was successful with both numbers.

However, my mother, although when I was speaking with her 10

years ago, she was easy to contact in NV stare jail; she is not

at easy to find now. I even had a tremendous scare a few years

back that she ahd died before I could say hello and goodbye. I

really want to find her before her lifestyle leads to her death

and all is too late.

My bio-dad, Bill, had a child with another woman named Lisa

Meyers (or Myers). They bore a child named Stacy THAT I AM

CURRENTLY SEEKING. She is my half sister and means more to me

than I am able to place into words.

Throughout my childhood, I named all of my dolls and stuffed

animals 'Stacy.' It was my favorite name. Every Barbie, every

teddy bear, every stuffed bunny, and, yes, even my imaginary

friend that I only saw in the mirror, was named Stacy. At 10

years old (I am now 28), I learned that I had a half sister, from

Bill, who was named Stacy and half my age, at the time.

I have since wondered and sought her, but with such little info I

have, I have been unsuccessful. Myspace, facebook, google

investigators, etc., have not given me any info on her that I can

build on.

I truly, from the bottom of my heart, hope YOU will help me. I am

sending this message to many people and organizations or

profitable companies, just to get an address or phone number. GO

ahead and make whatever money off me you can, but in the end, I

just want to find my sister, and hopefully, in the process,

reconnect with my mother.

Registered: March 21, 2010

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