
Registrant Pamela Sneed is a birth mother looking for her son. The adoptee was born in New York in 1977 on May 24th. He was born John William Dennis (Goodling) in Albany in Albany County to 19 year old birthmother Pamela Sue Sneed (maiden name Goodling). ? handled the adoption.

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New York Adoption Record: # 83000

Birth Mother looking for Adoptee
Pamela Sneed

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: John William Dennis (Goodling)
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: May 24, 1977 at ? (now 46 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Albany city, Albany county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Pamela Sue Sneed (Goodling)
Born: Feb 24, 1958 (now 66 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: John ? Trent
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Memorial? Not Sure.
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: ?

Additional Info
I was living in a traveling carnival on the east coast when I got pregnant from my boyfriend at that time, named John Trent, who was also in the carnival with me. Upon finding out that I was pregnant, he split. I ended up going to Albany, NY., (long story) and got a job and made good friends with a man named John Dennis. He is not the father but was kind enough to lend his first and last name for my baby boy. The middle name William comes from my grandfather. I was very poor at the time and so was on Medicaid from the state, I believe. I don't know who the adoption agency was but they told me at the time that I would be better off adopting him out because he had some health issues and that a family with money could better meet his needs. I was already convinced to give him up because I figured I would be a terrible mom (carnie) and had no place to go except back to the carnival when I regained my health. There are also other circumstances which I will not reveal online because of privacy issues. I have tried to find him many times but it seems that NY state is about impossible! The adoption agency at the time let me fill out papers about my families health and personal information about me, for him, but I doubt that they ever gave it to him. If I met him, I would tell him everything. I would love to meet him but would understand if he didn't want to meet me. I just hope that he's alive and well. There's been a huge hole in my heart my entire life, although at the time, I 'm pretty sure I had made the right decision for his sake. I now have 2 children, a son and daughter, ages 28 and 30 by my late husband. I joined the Army in 1979, did about 6 years. since then have lived a pretty settled civilian life. Love animals, nature, music, hard work, plants, DIY, natural healing, photography, genealogy,astronomy-meteorology and earth sciences, electronics, etc. I do have an ancestry account and an Ancestry DNA account.

Registered: March 9, 2018

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