
Registrant Timothy Keenen is a birth father looking for his son. The adoptee was born in New York in 1973 on October 17th. He was born Tim Keenen in Olean in Cattaraugus County to birthmother Jaymie Marie Ferrara (maiden name Ferrera). Catholic Charities handled the adoption. His adoptive name became Tim Keenen.

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New York Adoption Record: # 30333

Birth Father looking for Adoptee
Timothy Keenen

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Tim Keenen
Adoptive Name: Tim Keenen
Date of Birth: Oct 17, 1973 at ? 6am (now 50 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: Olean city, Cattaraugus county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Jaymie Marie Ferrara (Ferrera)
Born: Mar 31, 1958 (now 66 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Timothy Charles Keenen
Born: Jul 4, 1956 (now 67 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 16
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: St Francis Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Catholic Charities

Additional Info
Tim Keenen
Good afternoon Pam. My name is Tim Keenen. I saw your 20/20 show ! Myself, and my ex wife, had a child in HS, on 10/17/73, in NYS. Our son, was given up for adoption[we were both underage, 16,16yrs old], to Catholic Charities In Buffalo Ny, the day after he was born. We saw, and held him first day. I have been searching for my son for over 30yrs, as have my wife. I would do anything, and give everything I have just to be able to contact, have my lawyer send him a message asking if he would like t meet parents. We were told the child was never told, he was adopted, so he may not be looking on registers, etc ! I was wondering, greatly hoping that yu could possibly help me, or point me in the right direction. I sit home on all these Holidays, with mad anxiety over this. This means the world to me. Im a 56yr old retired. NYS Juvenile Corrctions worker[OCFS], who had dedicated his entire life to children. Im so happy you found your son, god bless you, and have a grate Thanksgiving ! If you find the time, please contact me here, or 716-945-5137. Im a good hardworking person, take care of my 88 yr old Mom! Numerious lawyers, etc, have told me their is no hope…but I will never give-up. God bless you for what you do, and Im so glad you found your child! Take care, and god bless, sincerely, Tim

Registered: November 27, 2014

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