
Registrant Nicholas Illich is a birth father looking for his daughter. The adoptee was born in Pennsylvania in 1971 in May. She was born Unknown Rosenblatt (possible in Philadelphia City County to a 17 year old birthmother with the maiden name of Rosenblatt. unknown handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Unknown.

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Pennsylvania Adoption Record: # 99904

Birth Father looking for Adoptee
Nicholas Illich

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown Rosenblatt (possible
Adoptive Name: Unknown
Date of Birth: May 1971 at unknown (now 53 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Unknown city, Philadelphia City county, Pennsylvania USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Sandy (Rosenblatt)
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 17
Religion: Jewish

Birthfather's Info
Name: Nicholas Illich
Born: Mar 4, 1952 (now 72 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 19
Religion: Catholic

Born at Hospital: Unknown
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: unknown

Additional Info
The birth mother did not provide information to me. Sandy(birth mother) had lied and said a Jackie Sullivan was the birth father. It's possible the baby was born at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Camden, N.J. I had no knowledge of adoption. I only know I have a daughter and I would like to reconnect with her. The mother Sandy Rosenblatt told me she fell down stairs and lost the baby at 6 mos. pregnant. I found out recently this was not true and that he baby was given up for adoption. Also, it is possible that the adopted daughter believes her birth father was Jackie Sullivan. At that time I wanted to marry Sandy but because we were of the catholic faith her family was against this. My mother offered to assist in raising the baby but Sandy's family was against this. It took all these years to know that I had a daughter. The mother disappeared when she was 6 months pregnant and I could not find her. I saw Sandy a few years later and she again stated that she had a miscarriage. I want my daughter to know that she has a brother (deceased) and a sister, many aunts and uncles who would like to reconnect with her as well. My sister, Maryann is assisting me in helping to locate you. It is my sincere wish that you had a good life with whomever adopted you. Know that it would mean the world to me to meet you after all this time. I am sorry and will never forgive Sandy Rosenblatt's family for separating us and lying to me all these years. A simple blood test will prove that me (Nicholas Illich) is your father and not Jackie Sullivan. I was young, only 18 years of age and was intimidated by the Rosenblatt family when Sandy was pregnant. They were threatening and violate towards me and my family who tried to mediate. My family met your mother's family in an effort to address the situation and pregnancy, I wanted to marry your mother. I sincerely wish to meet you but understand you may have been told a different story. Please know that I love you and want to have a relationship with you. Love, your father.

Registered: May 19, 2020
Updated: May 24, 2020

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