
Registrant Stephanie Davidson is an adoptee looking for any of her birth family. The adoptee was born in New York in 1967 on December 14th. She was born in Yonkers in Westchester County to a 22 year old birthmother. Family Services of Westchester handled the adoption. Her adoptive name became Stephanie Grace Young.

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New York Adoption Record: # 23865

Adoptee looking for Any Birth Family
Stephanie Davidson

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Unknown
Adoptive Name: Stephanie Grace Young
Date of Birth: Dec 14, 1967 at 10:06 pm (now 56 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Yonkers city, Westchester county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 22
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Unknown
Born: Unknown
Age at Adoptee's Birth: Unknown
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: St. John's Riverside
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: Family Services of Westchester

Additional Info
Your birth mother was 22 years old at the time of your birth. She was Caucasian and of
English descent. She was 5'4' and weighed 124 pounds. She had brown hair and eyes.
She had pale, fair skin. She was described as an attractive, warm and sensitive young
woman, who had interest in and appreciation for 'cultural things.'

At the time of your birth, she was a junior in college. She had attended one college and
had academic difficulties. She then went to a local college at nights to get her grades up.
Subsequently, she transferred to a college in the mid-west. She was majoring in Art
Education. She hoped to teach elementary school. She was artistic and enjoyed working
in different mediums. She sketched and painted in oils. She was good at knitting also. .
She was considering joining the National Teacher Corps where she could teach
underprivileged children.

Your birth mother's father was 45 years old at the time of your birth and worked as an
Electrical Engineer. He was a very well-educated man. Your birth mother had a poor
relationship with her father. Her mother was 44 years old when you were born. She was a
housewife. During your birth mother's pregnancy, her mother was the more supportive of
her parents. Your birth mother's parents did not know who your birth father was and they
did not care to find out.

Your birth mother had four siblings. She had a 19-year-old sister who was in college and a
17 -year-old sister who was in high school. She had two brothers, one was 9 years old and
the other was in the eighth grade. Her 19-year-old sister became pregnant shortly after
your birth mother, but she was engaged to the father of her child prior to conception. They
were married in December 1967. Your birth mother did not attend the wedding because
she was still staying at the boarding home and was waiting to Sign' the surrender papers to
place you for adoption.

Your birth mother suffered from asthma since childhood. She also had severe excema as
an infant. She was allergic to Cod, perch, halibut and all citric fruits. It was also mentioned
that twins ran in her family.

Your birth father was either 18 or 19 years old at the time of your birth. Your birth mother
reported that he was mixed ethnically. He had ancestors that were Caucasian, American
Indian, Puerto Rican and African American. He was a sophomore in college at the time of
your birth and he was considering majoring in sociology. He was 5'9' with a small build.
He had dark eyes and a medium complexion. Your birth mother described him as
sensitive, thoughtful, and careful of other people's feelings.

He enjoyed writing poetry. He was talented on the piano and he began playing at age 7.
He was an only child. He also enjoyed playing football and basketball but did not play on
collegiate teams.

Your birth father's father was in his early 50's at the time of your birth. He worked as a
welder. His mother was also in her 50's and she was a housewife and was active in a
fundamental religious group. Your birth father's parents offered to help raise you but your
birth mother was not comfortable with that idea and preferred her original plan of adoption.
Your birth mother did not know any health history for your birth father.

Your birth parents had been dating about one month prior to your conception. Your birth
mother was attracted to his youth and innocence. They had a number of mutual friends
with whom they spent time before they began dating. When their relationship began, your
birth mother was still trying to get over her previous relationship with a boy from home.
When your birth mother informed your birth father of the pregnancy, he offered to marry
her. But she knew that he was not ready for that and that he was too immature for such a
drastic step. She also knew that they both wanted to complete their degrees.
At the time of your birth your birth parents were no longer communicating with each other.
There seemed to be no chance of them resuming their relationship in the future.

Your birth mother put a great deal of thought into her decision to place you for adoption.
Her prenatal care began in April of 1967 when a doctor confirmed that she was pregnant.
She did not tell her parents of the pregnancy but instead went on a road trip to California
with a friend. She eventually told her parents in September 1967. She did not inform them
that the father of tile child was Puerto Rican and African American and American Indian.
Once they learned of the pregnancy, they sent her to stay with her grandparents in Florida
until it was time for her to go to the boarding home.

You were born December 14,1967 at 10:06 p.m. You were 6 pounds and 10 ounces and
were 18.5 inches long. You were delivered by forceps after 6 hours of labor. Your initial
Apgar score was 6. Your birth mother had no major complications during her pregnancy or
labor except some edema in her legs. You were described as an alert and observant baby.
Your birth mother thought that you were beautiful. She enjoyed caring for you at the
boarding home before placing you with this agency. She felt that a home where the
parents were of different races would be best because your birth parents were of different
races. She signed a waiver of religions and stated that it was more important for you to
have a suitable home than one of a specific religion. When she was informed that a family
had been identified she was happy to know that you would be placed quickly. She brought
you to the office of this agency on December 26, 1967 for a doctor's appointment and to
sign surrender papers. The workers left you alone with her for a few minutes prior to the
appointment so she could say goodbye to you. On December 26, 1967 you were placed in
the care of this agency and stayed with the agency's boarding mother.
On December 28, 1967 you were placed with William and Barbara Young for the purpose
of adoption.

Registered: September 4, 2013

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