
Registrant Susan Webb is an adoptee looking for her biological birth sibling. The adoptee was born in New York in 1966 on September 30th. She was born Susan in Syracuse in Onondaga County to 32 year old birthmother Marilyn Mae Snyder (maiden name Kline). onondaga social services handled the adoption.

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WEBB results at - more than 1.5 billion records
Marilyn Snyder records at
Marilyn Kline records at
K records at
New York Adoption Record: # 29246

Adoptee looking for Birth Sibling
Susan Webb

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Susan
Adoptive Name:
Date of Birth: Sep 30, 1966 at 7:30 am (now 57 years old)
Gender: Female
Birth Location: Syracuse city, Onondaga county, New York USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Marilyn Mae Snyder (Kline)
Born: 1934 (now 90 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 32
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: K
Born: 1930 (now 94 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 36
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital:
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency: onondaga social services

Additional Info
Update. I got knew nonidinfo. Mom had 7 kids prior to me. I have found them there may be another one that was adopted Out. DNA helped me. I also have 3 sibs from my bio father that ive not confirmed. .....old:nonidinfo states i'm the youngest of 5 kids. I wasn't adopted until 1968. birthmother dead of septicemia. 32 years old when I was born 66. I remember an airport and a red headed social worker telling me it was just another day trip. Needless to say I never returned home. I had blond curly hair and blue eyes. If there really was older siblings it would seem they might remember me. Then again we may have been separated long before her death.
Adopted parents were both born and raised in PA.
I was told my name may have been Lucy in foster home or wherever I was prior to adoption in 1968.
Non id info states there is no information on the placement of older siblings.
I want to add that Birth Siblings may be from another county or even state and may not know to search syracuse or onondaga county. My Birth mother may have died in onondaga county but lived somewhere else prior? Not sure.

Registered: September 13, 2014
Updated: January 12, 2016

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