
Registrant Marc Kitaen is an adoptee looking for his biological birth sibling. The adoptee was born in California in 1954 on November 13th. He was born Clem Peraino in El Cajon in San Diego County to 21 year old birthmother Nancy Lee Clem. His adoptive name became Marc H Kitaen.

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California Adoption Record: # 110449

Adoptee looking for Birth Sibling
Marc Kitaen

Adoptee's Info
Birth Name: Clem Peraino
Adoptive Name: Marc H Kitaen
Date of Birth: Nov 13, 1954 at 12:53 PM (now 69 years old)
Gender: Male
Birth Location: El Cajon city, San Diego county, California USA

Birthmother's Info
Name: Nancy Lee Clem
Born: Dec 31, 1934 (now 89 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 21
Religion: Unknown

Birthfather's Info
Name: Anthony Peraino
Born: Jun 26, 1932 (now 92 years old)
Age at Adoptee's Birth: 23
Religion: Unknown

Born at Hospital: Mercy Hospital
Birth Certificate:
Adoption Agency:

Additional Info
Found my Brother (DNA match Anthony Scott Peraino, born in January 1954, 11 months before me. Anthony Scott Peraino is my Brother, the DNA matches do not lie about our mutual parental DNA links to Anthony Peraino and Nancy Lee Clem. Anthony Scott Peraino is living and residing with his wife Kim in Arizona. I was born in Nov. 1954, my Paternal Parents are: Anthony Peraino and Nancy Clem who put me up for adoption on Nov. 16. 1954 to my adopted Parents: Hyman & Cecilia Kitaen. 3 months later Nancy changed her mind and wanted me back, (she had also married during this 3 month period), she kept me for a short period but decided to get me back to the Kitaens. On June 2, 1955, I have a document from the Superior Court of California showing I was officially adopted, aka Baby Boy Clem Peraino, now named Marc H. Kitaen. Nancy Clem was not married to my Father Anthony Peraino when I was born. Nancy Clem got married shortly after my birth on Dec. 9, 1954.\\\\nFound his and family members phone numbers, took a chance and called them all, I told them (left messages) to look me up on and see the proof that I am a match with Anthony Scott Peraino and his Father and Mother (she's alive). I can imagine the shock of hearing a stranger on the phone claiming to be a long lost sibling. I've heard stories of adoptees trying to get in touch with their paternal parent and siblings, but the siblings and relatives are afraid that the long lost sibling wants to take away their inheritance so they refuse to connect or talk with the lost sibling unfortunately. Then there’s the saying: “Be careful what you wish for, it might come true”. It appears to be my birth and adoption was somehow kept secret then and to this day, only a very small hand full of people living today know about my birth, but will never talk about it to anyone… Probably my own paternal Brother does not have a clue… but if he would either just go to and see my DNA matches, and better yet get his own DNA tested to prove to himself it’s conclusive! I do not want anything, like inheritances or other material things from my Peraino Family, I just wish one day soon that I can see them all, tell them I never felt bad about being adopted, I had excellent adopted parents who raised me right and Loved me! But I've been lonely without my adopted parents living, my adopted older Brother basically abandoned me for a young woman 3 times his age younger over 23 years ago. He has money and a big ego which he abuses to buy his relationships. To be honest, I've had an older Brother who for a big part of his life really did not respect me, so yes that upsets me that life put me together with a Brother that only sees himself. So I wondered and hoped of course all my life once I discovered I had a paternal Brother that he would be nicer, kinder and caring. So it upsets me that I have missed out all my life not having a better relationship with my paternal Brother, missed out on sharing all the joys of my Brothers life and achievements. One can’t make anyone love you, yet I still hold out hope and pray that someone from the Peraino Family will break their silence and welcome me back into my Family, or at least help me connect with my Mother and siblings. Can’t make anyone get their DNA tested or simply just look me and my DNA test results on Ancestry to see I’m telling the truth. There are three ways in life to answer someone with a question: Yes, No or say nothing at all. When you say nothing at all it still is an answer, it shows to the world your unwillingness to take a position on what side you stand, uncaring of the consequences on how it will make the person seeking answers feel. Maybe once the shock of learning the truth sinks in that I’m a close relation with the Peraino Family, which may take a long time, then I will be set free and welcomed home into their arms where I should be… There's been a void, an emptiness that fills adoptees all their lives in some form or another that they yearn to fill in order to be free. I guess this registry is where the "Truth Shall Set You Free" can come true one day, I hope that happens for others and myself soon! Marc Kitaen / Here is a link to my Ancestry page that is free to view:

Registered: May 23, 2023

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