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Published Sunday April 12th, 2009 at 12:13pm

Original Article

As co-founder of Adoption Triad Connection of Mid-Missouri, based inColumbia, I support pending legislation in Missouri, HB48. It wouldallow adopted adults 21 or older to receive a copy of their original,unaltered birth certificate and adoption records, something now deniedexcept by court order.

We have numerous adoptees and birthparents seeking information that would help them find family they wereseparated from by adoption. Many want updated health information. Manyyearn to know whether they have siblings. Many consider it a civilright.

Adoptees can get original birth certificates in numerousstates, including Kansas, Alaska, Oregon, New Hampshire, Tennessee,Maine and others. Reputable organizations such as the Evan B. DonaldsonAdoption Institute and the American Adoption Congress support access tothe records.

The usual argument of protecting birth parents fromcontact from the children they gave up is disputed by statistics ofthese organizations. Birth mothers in the past were often pressured,essentially forced, to surrender their children by adoption agencies,their parents and society itself. The majority of birth parents andsiblings welcome contact. If they don’t, at least they should provideadoptees with health information.

Missouri’s mutual consentregistry is failing many who seek its services because of restrictiverules, including requiring consents of adoptive parents and both birthparents. Adoptees who are adults should not need parental consent.Birth parents cannot always be located. HB48 would eliminate governmentinterference in reuniting those separated by adoption.

Judith Bock
Co-founder, Adoption Triad Connection of Mid-Missouri
7650 W. Highway 124