You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Utah, United States.
There are 723 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 40
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
74901Click to match with #74901
UnknownUnknownUnknownUtahMaleAccess adoption record #74901 in Utah family reunion registryView
75113Click to match with #75113
UnknownUnknownUnknownUtahMaleView adoption record #75113 in Utah family reunion registryView
76423Click to match with #76423
UnknownUnknownUnknownUtahMaleOpen adoption record #76423 in Utah family reunion registryView
79164Click to match with #79164
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahMaleRead details of adoption listing #79164 in Utah family reunion registryView
82616Click to match with #82616
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahMaleRead details of adoption record #82616 in Utah family reunion registryView
84008Click to match with #84008
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahFemaleAccess adoption listing #84008 in Utah family reunion registryView
86514Click to match with #86514
UnknownUnknownSalt LakeUtahUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
89010Click to match with #89010
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahMaleOpen adoption record #89010 in Utah family reunion registryView
92003Click to match with #92003
UnknownOgdenWeberUtahUnknownAccess adoption record #92003 in Utah family reunion registryView
92975Click to match with #92975
UnknownProvoUtahUtahFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
95147Click to match with #95147
UnknownUnknownUnknownUtahMaleAccess adoption listing #95147 in Utah family reunion registryView
96125Click to match with #96125
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahUnknownAccess adoption record #96125 in Utah family reunion registryView
98586Click to match with #98586
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahUnknownOpen adoption record #98586 in Utah family reunion registryView
101395Click to match with #101395
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahMaleView adoption listing #101395 in Utah family reunion registryView
104225Click to match with #104225
UnknownSalt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahMaleRead details of adoption listing #104225 in Utah family reunion registryView
109108Click to match with #109108
UnknownUnknownUnknownUtahUnknownAccess adoption record #109108 in Utah family reunion registryView
37718Click to match with #37718
Jan ??, ?? UnknownSalt LakeUtahMaleAccess adoption record #37718 in Utah family reunion registryView
41223Click to match with #41223
Jan ??, ?? Salt Lake CitySalt LakeUtahFemaleView adoption record #41223 in Utah family reunion registryView
33709Click to match with #33709
Jan 12OgdenWeberUtahFemaleOpen adoption record #33709 in Utah family reunion registryView
20386Click to match with #20386
Jan 15UnknownUnknownUtahMaleView adoption listing #20386 in Utah family reunion registryView
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