You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in October in Tarrant county in Texas, United States.
There are 72 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
37464Click to match with #37464
Oct 23, 1923UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
33275Click to match with #33275
Oct 26, 1944Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption record #33275 in Texas family reunion registryView
101320Click to match with #101320
Oct 21, 1950Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleView adoption listing #101320 in Texas family reunion registryView
101321Click to match with #101321
Oct 21, 1950Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleView adoption record #101321 in Texas family reunion registryView
101322Click to match with #101322
Oct 21, 1950Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #101322 in Texas family reunion registryView
76396Click to match with #76396
Oct 12, 1953UnknownUnknownTexasMaleAccess adoption record #76396 in Texas family reunion registryView
101070Click to match with #101070
Oct 22, 1953UnknownUnknownTexasUnknownRead details of adoption listing #101070 in Texas family reunion registryView
43193Click to match with #43193
Oct 25, 1954Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #43193 in Texas family reunion registryView
86044Click to match with #86044
Oct 26, 1956Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleView adoption listing #86044 in Texas family reunion registryView
95734Click to match with #95734
Oct 21, 1957Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleView adoption listing #95734 in Texas family reunion registryView
77696Click to match with #77696
Oct 28, 1957Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #77696 in Texas family reunion registryView
92845Click to match with #92845
Oct 19, 1961UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #92845 in Texas family reunion registryView
79458Click to match with #79458
Oct 29, 1962UnknownTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #79458 in Texas family reunion registryView
89140Click to match with #89140
Oct 25, 1963Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleAccess adoption record #89140 in Texas family reunion registryView
16441Click to match with #16441
Oct 2, 1964Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
101890Click to match with #101890
Oct 15, 1965ArlingtonTarrantTexasFemaleRead details of adoption record #101890 in Texas family reunion registryView
78356Click to match with #78356
Oct 16, 1965UnknownTarrantTexasFemaleOpen adoption record #78356 in Texas family reunion registryView
75867Click to match with #75867
Oct 20, 1965UnknownUnknownTexasFemaleView adoption record #75867 in Texas family reunion registryView
21249Click to match with #21249
Oct 28, 1965Fort WorthTarrantTexasFemaleRead details of adoption listing #21249 in Texas family reunion registryView
74815Click to match with #74815
Oct 5, 1967Fort WorthTarrantTexasUnknownOpen adoption listing #74815 in Texas family reunion registryView
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