You searched for all Male records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Tarrant county in Texas, United States.
There are 464 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 441 to 460
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
34789Click to match with #34789
Jun 10, 1996UnknownUnknownTexasMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
33606Click to match with #33606
Oct 13, 1996Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleOpen adoption record #33606 in Texas family reunion registryView
42578Click to match with #42578
Oct 13, 1996UnknownTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #42578 in Texas family reunion registryView
82586Click to match with #82586
Dec 12, 1996Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #82586 in Texas family reunion registryView
40529Click to match with #40529
Jun 1, 1997UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #40529 in Texas family reunion registryView
93521Click to match with #93521
Nov 8, 1997Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleRead details of adoption listing #93521 in Texas family reunion registryView
77710Click to match with #77710
1998UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption listing #77710 in Texas family reunion registryView
106593Click to match with #106593
Jul 31, 1998Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #106593 in Texas family reunion registryView
87320Click to match with #87320
Oct 9, 1998UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption listing #87320 in Texas family reunion registryView
79948Click to match with #79948
May 11, 1999UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #79948 in Texas family reunion registryView
87223Click to match with #87223
May 11, 1999UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #87223 in Texas family reunion registryView
96404Click to match with #96404
May 11, 1999UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption record #96404 in Texas family reunion registryView
101605Click to match with #101605
Jan 2, 2000UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption record #101605 in Texas family reunion registryView
109710Click to match with #109710
Mar 13, 2000UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption record #109710 in Texas family reunion registryView
89697Click to match with #89697
Mar 14, 2000Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleRead details of adoption listing #89697 in Texas family reunion registryView
95584Click to match with #95584
May 2000ArlingtonTarrantTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #95584 in Texas family reunion registryView
98634Click to match with #98634
Oct 2, 2000UnknownUnknownTexasMaleOpen adoption listing #98634 in Texas family reunion registryView
104024Click to match with #104024
Nov 7, 2001UnknownUnknownTexasMaleView adoption record #104024 in Texas family reunion registryView
101730Click to match with #101730
Sep 21, 2002Fort WorthTarrantTexasMaleAccess adoption listing #101730 in Texas family reunion registryView
105751Click to match with #105751
Jan 16, 2003UnknownUnknownTexasMaleRead details of adoption record #105751 in Texas family reunion registryView
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