You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Tulsa county in Oklahoma, United States.
There are 543 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 421 to 440
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
35780Click to match with #35780
1984TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleOpen adoption record #35780 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
40861Click to match with #40861
1984UnknownUnknownOklahomaMaleView adoption record #40861 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
82553Click to match with #82553
Feb 29, 1984TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
18780Click to match with #18780
Apr 11, 1984TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleAccess adoption record #18780 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
86101Click to match with #86101
May 24, 1984TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleAccess adoption record #86101 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
32007Click to match with #32007
Jul 1984UnknownUnknownOklahomaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
86653Click to match with #86653
Dec 11, 1984UnknownUnknownOklahomaUnknownAccess adoption record #86653 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
106182Click to match with #106182
Dec 28, 1984UnknownUnknownOklahomaMaleRead details of adoption listing #106182 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
103267Click to match with #103267
Mar 7, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleAccess adoption record #103267 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
18787Click to match with #18787
May 29, 1985TulsaUnknownOklahomaMaleOpen adoption record #18787 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
83981Click to match with #83981
Jun 25, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
73695Click to match with #73695
Aug 26, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleAccess adoption listing #73695 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
18121Click to match with #18121
Aug 29, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleOpen adoption listing #18121 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
108281Click to match with #108281
Sep 29, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaMaleRead details of adoption listing #108281 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
105757Click to match with #105757
Dec 22, 1985UnknownTulsaOklahomaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #105757 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
38550Click to match with #38550
Dec 28, 1985TulsaTulsaOklahomaFemaleRead details of adoption record #38550 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
38555Click to match with #38555
Dec 28, 1985UnknownTulsaOklahomaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
77998Click to match with #77998
1986UnknownUnknownOklahomaMaleAccess adoption listing #77998 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
80832Click to match with #80832
1986TulsaTulsaOklahomaMaleView adoption record #80832 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
97696Click to match with #97696
Jan 1, 1986TulsaTulsaOklahomaMaleOpen adoption listing #97696 in Oklahoma family reunion registryView
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