You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in April in Paulding county in Ohio, United States.
There are 37 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 37
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
98611Click to match with #98611
Apr 19, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #98611 in Ohio family reunion registryView
77627Click to match with #77627
Apr 27, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioMaleView adoption listing #77627 in Ohio family reunion registryView
77649Click to match with #77649
Apr 27, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioUnknownOpen adoption listing #77649 in Ohio family reunion registryView
77650Click to match with #77650
Apr 27, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption record #77650 in Ohio family reunion registryView
81054Click to match with #81054
Apr 1975UnknownUnknownOhioMaleView adoption listing #81054 in Ohio family reunion registryView
83543Click to match with #83543
Apr 21, 1977UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #83543 in Ohio family reunion registryView
90007Click to match with #90007
Apr 14, 1978UnknownUnknownOhioMaleView adoption listing #90007 in Ohio family reunion registryView
99348Click to match with #99348
Apr 6, 1986UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #99348 in Ohio family reunion registryView
106056Click to match with #106056
Apr 5, 1989UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption listing #106056 in Ohio family reunion registryView
33756Click to match with #33756
Apr 6, 1990PauldingPauldingOhioFemaleOpen adoption record #33756 in Ohio family reunion registryView
34009Click to match with #34009
Apr 6, 1990PauldingPauldingOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #34009 in Ohio family reunion registryView
41469Click to match with #41469
Apr 9, 1990UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #41469 in Ohio family reunion registryView
35166Click to match with #35166
Apr 10, 1990UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
101739Click to match with #101739
Apr 29, 1992UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #101739 in Ohio family reunion registryView
37374Click to match with #37374
Apr 3, 1995UnknownUnknownOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #37374 in Ohio family reunion registryView
32898Click to match with #32898
Apr 8, 1995UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #32898 in Ohio family reunion registryView
89451Click to match with #89451
Apr 11, 1996UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #89451 in Ohio family reunion registryView
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