You searched for all Female records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Hamilton county in Ohio, United States.
There are 383 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 241 to 260
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
15165Click to match with #15165
Apr 6, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption record #15165 in Ohio family reunion registryView
23312Click to match with #23312
Apr 20, 1972CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #23312 in Ohio family reunion registryView
25475Click to match with #25475
May 14, 1972CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #25475 in Ohio family reunion registryView
28483Click to match with #28483
Jun 24, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleOpen adoption record #28483 in Ohio family reunion registryView
21804Click to match with #21804
Aug 10, 1972CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #21804 in Ohio family reunion registryView
106335Click to match with #106335
Sep 15, 1972UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption listing #106335 in Ohio family reunion registryView
16439Click to match with #16439
Nov 26, 1972CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #16439 in Ohio family reunion registryView
22148Click to match with #22148
1973UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #22148 in Ohio family reunion registryView
75780Click to match with #75780
Feb 10, 1973UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #75780 in Ohio family reunion registryView
12560Click to match with #12560
Mar 18, 1973CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #12560 in Ohio family reunion registryView
107692Click to match with #107692
Jul 17, 1973UnknownHamiltonOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #107692 in Ohio family reunion registryView
37079Click to match with #37079
Oct 4, 1973MariemontHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #37079 in Ohio family reunion registryView
42607Click to match with #42607
Dec 1973UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #42607 in Ohio family reunion registryView
22247Click to match with #22247
1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #22247 in Ohio family reunion registryView
75600Click to match with #75600
1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption listing #75600 in Ohio family reunion registryView
99384Click to match with #99384
1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
104368Click to match with #104368
1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #104368 in Ohio family reunion registryView
32655Click to match with #32655
Mar 4, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleAccess adoption listing #32655 in Ohio family reunion registryView
84238Click to match with #84238
Mar 24, 1974CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption record #84238 in Ohio family reunion registryView
98611Click to match with #98611
Apr 19, 1974UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleView adoption listing #98611 in Ohio family reunion registryView
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