You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in December in Hamilton county in Ohio, United States.
There are 41 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
37604Click to match with #37604
Dec 28UnknownUnknownOhioMaleRead details of adoption record #37604 in Ohio family reunion registryView
99162Click to match with #99162
Dec 24, 1926CincinnatiHamiltonOhioUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
28302Click to match with #28302
Dec 3, 1945CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleRead details of adoption listing #28302 in Ohio family reunion registryView
28303Click to match with #28303
Dec 3, 1945CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #28303 in Ohio family reunion registryView
75817Click to match with #75817
Dec 15, 1945UnknownUnknownOhioMaleOpen adoption record #75817 in Ohio family reunion registryView
29661Click to match with #29661
Dec 17, 1950CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleView adoption record #29661 in Ohio family reunion registryView
80240Click to match with #80240
Dec 26, 1950CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #80240 in Ohio family reunion registryView
97427Click to match with #97427
Dec 1959UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
93706Click to match with #93706
Dec 1, 1960CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #93706 in Ohio family reunion registryView
87368Click to match with #87368
Dec 10, 1960UnknownUnknownOhioMaleView adoption record #87368 in Ohio family reunion registryView
106627Click to match with #106627
Dec 22, 1961CincinnatiHamiltonOhioMaleAccess adoption record #106627 in Ohio family reunion registryView
23715Click to match with #23715
Dec 10, 1963CincinnatiHamiltonOhioMaleAccess adoption listing #23715 in Ohio family reunion registryView
12084Click to match with #12084
Dec 2, 1964CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
29292Click to match with #29292
Dec 29, 1964CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #29292 in Ohio family reunion registryView
85636Click to match with #85636
Dec 24, 1965CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
97007Click to match with #97007
Dec 29, 1965UnknownUnknownOhioFemaleRead details of adoption record #97007 in Ohio family reunion registryView
43156Click to match with #43156
Dec 26, 1966CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleOpen adoption listing #43156 in Ohio family reunion registryView
43270Click to match with #43270
Dec 27, 1966CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleAccess adoption record #43270 in Ohio family reunion registryView
10185Click to match with #10185
Dec 1, 1967CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
81633Click to match with #81633
Dec 16, 1967CincinnatiHamiltonOhioFemaleView adoption record #81633 in Ohio family reunion registryView
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