You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in North Dakota, United States.
There are 199 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 40
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
83261Click to match with #83261
Aug 22FargoCassNorth DakotaMaleView adoption record #83261 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
38460Click to match with #38460
Jan 1, 1921UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
97119Click to match with #97119
Jun 12, 1921UnknownBurkeNorth DakotaFemaleAccess adoption listing #97119 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
87493Click to match with #87493
Jan 25, 1925FargoCassNorth DakotaUnknownRead details of adoption record #87493 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
102549Click to match with #102549
Feb 2, 1927FargoCassNorth DakotaMaleView adoption listing #102549 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
89463Click to match with #89463
Jun 7, 1927HebronMortonNorth DakotaFemaleOpen adoption listing #89463 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
36588Click to match with #36588
Dec 27, 1930BismarckBurleighNorth DakotaFemaleOpen adoption listing #36588 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
8038Click to match with #8038
May 7, 1933UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
104282Click to match with #104282
Apr 17, 1939UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleView adoption record #104282 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
89627Click to match with #89627
Feb 23, 1940UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaFemaleRead details of adoption record #89627 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
96280Click to match with #96280
Feb 28, 1940FargoCassNorth DakotaMaleOpen adoption record #96280 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
104625Click to match with #104625
Jun 4, 1940UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleRead details of adoption listing #104625 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
100837Click to match with #100837
Jun 12, 1940UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleView adoption listing #100837 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
83030Click to match with #83030
Feb 14, 1945UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleAccess adoption record #83030 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
104484Click to match with #104484
Mar 23, 1945FargoCassNorth DakotaFemaleAccess adoption listing #104484 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
110888Click to match with #110888
Feb 17, 1946UnknownUnknownNorth DakotaMaleView adoption listing #110888 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
38409Click to match with #38409
Dec 23, 1948FargoCassNorth DakotaFemaleOpen adoption listing #38409 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
96067Click to match with #96067
Sep 21, 1949FargoCassNorth DakotaMaleRead details of adoption record #96067 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
37363Click to match with #37363
1950FargoCassNorth DakotaFemaleRead details of adoption record #37363 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
37364Click to match with #37364
1950FargoCassNorth DakotaFemaleOpen adoption record #37364 in North Dakota family reunion registryView
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