You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in May in Westchester county in New York, United States.
There are 63 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
9340Click to match with #9340
May 17GeneseeUnknownNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
11059Click to match with #11059
May 19UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
79059Click to match with #79059
May 31UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption listing #79059 in New York family reunion registryView
27915Click to match with #27915
May 17, 1932UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption listing #27915 in New York family reunion registryView
101173Click to match with #101173
May 22, 1935UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption listing #101173 in New York family reunion registryView
17371Click to match with #17371
May 8, 1947UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption listing #17371 in New York family reunion registryView
29912Click to match with #29912
May 20, 1949YonkersWestchesterNew YorkMaleAccess adoption listing #29912 in New York family reunion registryView
93895Click to match with #93895
May 20, 1949YonkersWestchesterNew YorkMaleAccess adoption record #93895 in New York family reunion registryView
93896Click to match with #93896
May 20, 1949YonkersWestchesterNew YorkMaleAccess adoption record #93896 in New York family reunion registryView
77741Click to match with #77741
May 25, 1949YonkersWestchesterNew YorkMaleOpen adoption record #77741 in New York family reunion registryView
105248Click to match with #105248
May 2, 1950UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption record #105248 in New York family reunion registryView
91649Click to match with #91649
May 17, 1950UnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownRead details of adoption listing #91649 in New York family reunion registryView
108370Click to match with #108370
May 2, 1954UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption listing #108370 in New York family reunion registryView
109063Click to match with #109063
May 1957UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
104213Click to match with #104213
May 9, 1957UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption record #104213 in New York family reunion registryView
98602Click to match with #98602
May 14, 1957UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleAccess adoption listing #98602 in New York family reunion registryView
40520Click to match with #40520
May 20, 1958UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleView adoption record #40520 in New York family reunion registryView
82400Click to match with #82400
May 28, 1959UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption listing #82400 in New York family reunion registryView
27874Click to match with #27874
May 22, 1961YonkersWestchesterNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #27874 in New York family reunion registryView
74709Click to match with #74709
May 3, 1962White PlainsWestchesterNew YorkMaleView adoption record #74709 in New York family reunion registryView
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