You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in July in Rockland county in New York, United States.
There are 54 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 41 to 54
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
85883Click to match with #85883
Jul 1985UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleView adoption listing #85883 in New York family reunion registryView
105859Click to match with #105859
Jul 17, 1985UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleOpen adoption record #105859 in New York family reunion registryView
13146Click to match with #13146
Jul 27, 1985UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleView adoption listing #13146 in New York family reunion registryView
8884Click to match with #8884
Jul 21, 1986UnknownRocklandNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
102586Click to match with #102586
Jul 12, 1989UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #102586 in New York family reunion registryView
22016Click to match with #22016
Jul 12, 1990UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption record #22016 in New York family reunion registryView
19838Click to match with #19838
Jul 24, 1990UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption record #19838 in New York family reunion registryView
17847Click to match with #17847
Jul 13, 1993UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption record #17847 in New York family reunion registryView
17848Click to match with #17848
Jul 13, 1993UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleOpen adoption listing #17848 in New York family reunion registryView
17849Click to match with #17849
Jul 13, 1993UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption record #17849 in New York family reunion registryView
17850Click to match with #17850
Jul 13, 1993UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleView adoption listing #17850 in New York family reunion registryView
24982Click to match with #24982
Jul 2, 1994UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #24982 in New York family reunion registryView
40368Click to match with #40368
Jul 1997UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption record #40368 in New York family reunion registryView
101035Click to match with #101035
Jul 1, 2000UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption record #101035 in New York family reunion registryView
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