You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in April in Kings county in New York, United States.
There are 80 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 40
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
13937Click to match with #13937
Apr 13, 1956UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption listing #13937 in New York family reunion registryView
36349Click to match with #36349
Apr 1, 1957UnknownKingsNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption listing #36349 in New York family reunion registryView
103678Click to match with #103678
Apr 3, 1959UnknownKingsNew YorkMaleRead details of adoption record #103678 in New York family reunion registryView
76126Click to match with #76126
Apr 27, 1960UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleAccess adoption listing #76126 in New York family reunion registryView
88393Click to match with #88393
Apr 14, 1961UnknownKingsNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption record #88393 in New York family reunion registryView
96869Click to match with #96869
Apr 15, 1961UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleView adoption listing #96869 in New York family reunion registryView
10610Click to match with #10610
Apr 19, 1961UnknownKingsNew YorkMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
9221Click to match with #9221
Apr 5, 1962UnknownKingsNew YorkUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
15957Click to match with #15957
Apr 5, 1962UnknownKingsNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption listing #15957 in New York family reunion registryView
109899Click to match with #109899
Apr 22, 1962UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption record #109899 in New York family reunion registryView
10520Click to match with #10520
Apr 5, 1963UnknownKingsNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
13204Click to match with #13204
Apr 9, 1963UnknownKingsNew YorkFemaleView adoption record #13204 in New York family reunion registryView
102398Click to match with #102398
Apr 12, 1963UnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownAccess adoption listing #102398 in New York family reunion registryView
14084Click to match with #14084
Apr 4, 1964UnknownKingsNew YorkMaleAccess adoption record #14084 in New York family reunion registryView
14085Click to match with #14085
Apr 9, 1964UnknownKingsNew YorkMaleOpen adoption listing #14085 in New York family reunion registryView
13622Click to match with #13622
Apr 1965UnknownUnknownNew YorkUnknownOpen adoption listing #13622 in New York family reunion registryView
88755Click to match with #88755
Apr 1965UnknownUnknownNew YorkMaleAccess adoption record #88755 in New York family reunion registryView
9710Click to match with #9710
Apr 12, 1965UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
85194Click to match with #85194
Apr 16, 1966UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleRead details of adoption record #85194 in New York family reunion registryView
109903Click to match with #109903
Apr 1967UnknownUnknownNew YorkFemaleAccess adoption listing #109903 in New York family reunion registryView
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