You searched for all Male records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Lander county in Nevada, United States.
There are 26 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 26
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
8925Click to match with #8925
Jan 20, 1979UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
104476Click to match with #104476
Aug 18, 1984UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleView adoption record #104476 in Nevada family reunion registryView
13770Click to match with #13770
Sep 27, 1984UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleAccess adoption listing #13770 in Nevada family reunion registryView
98703Click to match with #98703
Aug 17, 1986UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleView adoption listing #98703 in Nevada family reunion registryView
105664Click to match with #105664
Dec 30, 2001UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #105664 in Nevada family reunion registryView
105833Click to match with #105833
Jun 19, 2003UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleOpen adoption record #105833 in Nevada family reunion registryView
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