You searched for all Male records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Clark county in Nevada, United States.
There are 112 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
28753Click to match with #28753
UnknownLas VegasClarkNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
30908Click to match with #30908
UnknownUnknownUnknownNevadaMaleAccess adoption listing #30908 in Nevada family reunion registryView
31954Click to match with #31954
UnknownUnknownClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption record #31954 in Nevada family reunion registryView
35206Click to match with #35206
UnknownLas VegasClarkNevadaMaleAccess adoption listing #35206 in Nevada family reunion registryView
85519Click to match with #85519
UnknownUnknownUnknownNevadaMaleView adoption listing #85519 in Nevada family reunion registryView
86085Click to match with #86085
UnknownUnknownUnknownNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
91264Click to match with #91264
Jan 11UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleAccess adoption listing #91264 in Nevada family reunion registryView
99660Click to match with #99660
Jan 29Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption record #99660 in Nevada family reunion registryView
99659Click to match with #99659
Mar 7Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleView adoption listing #99659 in Nevada family reunion registryView
8316Click to match with #8316
May 1Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
99661Click to match with #99661
May 13Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption listing #99661 in Nevada family reunion registryView
27444Click to match with #27444
May 18UnknownClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #27444 in Nevada family reunion registryView
78934Click to match with #78934
Jul ??, ?? Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #78934 in Nevada family reunion registryView
112003Click to match with #112003
Aug 23Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption record #112003 in Nevada family reunion registryView
112004Click to match with #112004
Aug 23Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleAccess adoption record #112004 in Nevada family reunion registryView
112131Click to match with #112131
Aug 23Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption listing #112131 in Nevada family reunion registryView
112132Click to match with #112132
Aug 23Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #112132 in Nevada family reunion registryView
79227Click to match with #79227
Sep 10Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #79227 in Nevada family reunion registryView
88484Click to match with #88484
Feb 6, 1951UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleRead details of adoption listing #88484 in Nevada family reunion registryView
39924Click to match with #39924
May 24, 1954Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleOpen adoption listing #39924 in Nevada family reunion registryView
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