You searched for all Female records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Clark county in Nevada, United States.
There are 150 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 40
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
82971Click to match with #82971
Feb 20, 1961Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption record #82971 in Nevada family reunion registryView
84502Click to match with #84502
Jun 27, 1961UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #84502 in Nevada family reunion registryView
100474Click to match with #100474
May 14, 1962Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleView adoption record #100474 in Nevada family reunion registryView
27838Click to match with #27838
Jun 3, 1963HendersonClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #27838 in Nevada family reunion registryView
83083Click to match with #83083
Jun 3, 1963UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleView adoption listing #83083 in Nevada family reunion registryView
83085Click to match with #83085
Jun 3, 1963UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #83085 in Nevada family reunion registryView
92979Click to match with #92979
Sep 4, 1963Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption record #92979 in Nevada family reunion registryView
11833Click to match with #11833
Nov 19, 1963Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
31345Click to match with #31345
Nov 21, 1963Boulder CityClarkNevadaFemaleView adoption record #31345 in Nevada family reunion registryView
106245Click to match with #106245
Jan 24, 1964Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption listing #106245 in Nevada family reunion registryView
106246Click to match with #106246
Jan 24, 1964Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption record #106246 in Nevada family reunion registryView
75460Click to match with #75460
Jun 28, 1964Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption record #75460 in Nevada family reunion registryView
83193Click to match with #83193
Sep 17, 1964HendersonClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption listing #83193 in Nevada family reunion registryView
112200Click to match with #112200
Jan 26, 1965Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleView adoption record #112200 in Nevada family reunion registryView
24845Click to match with #24845
Nov 30, 1965UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleRead details of adoption record #24845 in Nevada family reunion registryView
14777Click to match with #14777
Jan 13, 1966Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleOpen adoption listing #14777 in Nevada family reunion registryView
31017Click to match with #31017
Jan 13, 1966Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption record #31017 in Nevada family reunion registryView
42339Click to match with #42339
1967UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #42339 in Nevada family reunion registryView
26312Click to match with #26312
Jan 21, 1967Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #26312 in Nevada family reunion registryView
19062Click to match with #19062
Aug 3, 1967UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #19062 in Nevada family reunion registryView
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