You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in August in Clark county in Nevada, United States.
There are 32 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 1 to 20
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
101528Click to match with #101528
Aug 1956UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleOpen adoption record #101528 in Nevada family reunion registryView
80711Click to match with #80711
Aug 13, 1960UnknownClarkNevadaFemaleView adoption listing #80711 in Nevada family reunion registryView
23992Click to match with #23992
Aug 6, 1964Boulder CityClarkNevadaMaleView adoption record #23992 in Nevada family reunion registryView
81100Click to match with #81100
Aug 6, 1965Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleView adoption listing #81100 in Nevada family reunion registryView
19062Click to match with #19062
Aug 3, 1967UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleAccess adoption record #19062 in Nevada family reunion registryView
34769Click to match with #34769
Aug 24, 1969UnknownClarkNevadaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
107349Click to match with #107349
Aug 26, 1972Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleAccess adoption record #107349 in Nevada family reunion registryView
107383Click to match with #107383
Aug 26, 1972Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
107384Click to match with #107384
Aug 26, 1972Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
110030Click to match with #110030
Aug 22, 1973UnknownUnknownNevadaFemaleRead details of adoption record #110030 in Nevada family reunion registryView
12175Click to match with #12175
Aug 18, 1975Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleView adoption listing #12175 in Nevada family reunion registryView
18484Click to match with #18484
Aug 21, 1978Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #18484 in Nevada family reunion registryView
19410Click to match with #19410
Aug 1981Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleView adoption listing #19410 in Nevada family reunion registryView
35865Click to match with #35865
Aug 6, 1981Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption listing #35865 in Nevada family reunion registryView
35184Click to match with #35184
Aug 14, 1981Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption record #35184 in Nevada family reunion registryView
40184Click to match with #40184
Aug 14, 1981Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleRead details of adoption record #40184 in Nevada family reunion registryView
94802Click to match with #94802
Aug 11, 1983Las VegasClarkNevadaFemaleAccess adoption listing #94802 in Nevada family reunion registryView
104476Click to match with #104476
Aug 18, 1984UnknownUnknownNevadaMaleOpen adoption record #104476 in Nevada family reunion registryView
80347Click to match with #80347
Aug 19, 1985Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleAccess adoption record #80347 in Nevada family reunion registryView
12110Click to match with #12110
Aug 31, 1985Las VegasClarkNevadaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
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