You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Michigan, United States.
There are 2,788 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 2,781 to 2,788
Go to page 1 Go to page 139 Page 140 of 140
Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
109676Click to match with #109676
Nov 13, 2003LansingInghamMichiganFemaleOpen adoption record #109676 in Michigan family reunion registryView
107663Click to match with #107663
Apr 8, 2004UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleView adoption listing #107663 in Michigan family reunion registryView
107305Click to match with #107305
Sep 13, 2004Big RapidsMecostaMichiganMaleOpen adoption listing #107305 in Michigan family reunion registryView
110399Click to match with #110399
Nov 15, 2004MuskegonMuskegonMichiganMaleRead details of adoption record #110399 in Michigan family reunion registryView
109584Click to match with #109584
Jan 2, 2005UnknownUnknownMichiganFemaleOpen adoption record #109584 in Michigan family reunion registryView
110828Click to match with #110828
Apr 26, 2005UnknownMuskegonMichiganFemaleOpen adoption record #110828 in Michigan family reunion registryView
110827Click to match with #110827
May 26, 2005UnknownMuskegonMichiganFemaleView adoption record #110827 in Michigan family reunion registryView
110010Click to match with #110010
Jul 7, 2005AlleganAlleganMichiganMaleOpen adoption record #110010 in Michigan family reunion registryView
Go to page 1 Go to page 139 Page 140 of 140

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