You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Falmouth, Massachusetts located in Pendleton county, United States.
There are 268 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 261 to 268
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
33928Click to match with #33928
Jan 11, 1997UnknownUnknownMassachusettsFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
88972Click to match with #88972
Mar 10, 1997UnknownUnknownMassachusettsFemaleView adoption record #88972 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
42217Click to match with #42217
Oct 31, 1997UnknownUnknownMassachusettsMaleAccess adoption record #42217 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
37803Click to match with #37803
Nov 8, 1997UnknownUnknownMassachusettsFemaleAccess adoption record #37803 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
76243Click to match with #76243
Jun 29, 1998UnknownUnknownMassachusettsFemaleRead details of adoption listing #76243 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
110907Click to match with #110907
Aug 16, 2001UnknownUnknownMassachusettsFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
99825Click to match with #99825
Feb 4, 2002UnknownUnknownMassachusettsMaleRead details of adoption record #99825 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
105731Click to match with #105731
Oct 27, 2003UnknownUnknownMassachusettsUnknownView adoption record #105731 in Massachusetts family reunion registryView
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