You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Fayette county in Kentucky, United States.
There are 228 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 201 to 220
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
100435Click to match with #100435
Dec 9, 1988UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #100435 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
106983Click to match with #106983
Mar 15, 1989UnknownUnknownKentuckyUnknownView adoption listing #106983 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
111203Click to match with #111203
Mar 23, 1989UnknownFayetteKentuckyMaleRead details of adoption listing #111203 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
87444Click to match with #87444
Jan 5, 1990UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #87444 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
98601Click to match with #98601
Dec 8, 1990UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption listing #98601 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
81759Click to match with #81759
Jun 14, 1991UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleRead details of adoption listing #81759 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
94042Click to match with #94042
Jul 11, 1991UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #94042 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
30204Click to match with #30204
Sep 8, 1991UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleOpen adoption listing #30204 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
15266Click to match with #15266
Sep 21, 1991UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleRead details of adoption record #15266 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
94129Click to match with #94129
Nov 25, 1991UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
28004Click to match with #28004
Dec 1, 1991UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleOpen adoption record #28004 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
77794Click to match with #77794
Jul 4, 1993UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleAccess adoption record #77794 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
76571Click to match with #76571
Aug 29, 1993UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption record #76571 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
88040Click to match with #88040
Dec 1993UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleRead details of adoption listing #88040 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
30307Click to match with #30307
Sep 2, 1994UnknownFayetteKentuckyFemaleRead details of adoption listing #30307 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
110291Click to match with #110291
Jun 29, 1995UnknownUnknownKentuckyMaleAccess adoption listing #110291 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
30969Click to match with #30969
Aug 16, 1995UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleView adoption listing #30969 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
101441Click to match with #101441
Apr 1996UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
77144Click to match with #77144
Apr 8, 1997UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleOpen adoption listing #77144 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
106221Click to match with #106221
Aug 25, 1997UnknownUnknownKentuckyFemaleAccess adoption record #106221 in Kentucky family reunion registryView
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