You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in Des Moines, Iowa located in Polk county, United States.
There are 437 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 301 to 320
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
78780Click to match with #78780
Apr 17, 1969UnknownUnknownIowaMaleView adoption listing #78780 in Iowa family reunion registryView
85499Click to match with #85499
May 1969Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleOpen adoption listing #85499 in Iowa family reunion registryView
90220Click to match with #90220
Jun 3, 1969Des MoinesPolkIowaMaleAccess adoption record #90220 in Iowa family reunion registryView
10080Click to match with #10080
Jun 23, 1969Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleOpen adoption record #10080 in Iowa family reunion registryView
75853Click to match with #75853
Oct 21, 1969Des MoinesPolkIowaUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
29896Click to match with #29896
Dec 2, 1969UnknownUnknownIowaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
100736Click to match with #100736
Dec 31, 1969Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleOpen adoption listing #100736 in Iowa family reunion registryView
25191Click to match with #25191
1970UnknownUnknownIowaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
25192Click to match with #25192
1970UnknownUnknownIowaMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
43077Click to match with #43077
1970UnknownUnknownIowaFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
90068Click to match with #90068
1970UnknownUnknownIowaMaleAccess adoption listing #90068 in Iowa family reunion registryView
104134Click to match with #104134
1970UnknownUnknownIowaMaleView adoption listing #104134 in Iowa family reunion registryView
40301Click to match with #40301
Feb 12, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #40301 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21717Click to match with #21717
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleRead details of adoption record #21717 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21718Click to match with #21718
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleAccess adoption record #21718 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21719Click to match with #21719
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleAccess adoption listing #21719 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21720Click to match with #21720
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleRead details of adoption record #21720 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21721Click to match with #21721
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleView adoption record #21721 in Iowa family reunion registryView
21722Click to match with #21722
Feb 16, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleAccess adoption listing #21722 in Iowa family reunion registryView
79185Click to match with #79185
Apr 27, 1970Des MoinesPolkIowaFemaleRead details of adoption listing #79185 in Iowa family reunion registryView
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