You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in May in Du Page county in Illinois, United States.
There are 34 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 34
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
9667Click to match with #9667
May 15, 1973UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
90551Click to match with #90551
May 28, 1973ElmhurstDu PageIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #90551 in Illinois family reunion registryView
16099Click to match with #16099
May 1978UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption listing #16099 in Illinois family reunion registryView
83119Click to match with #83119
May 13, 1978UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleRead details of adoption record #83119 in Illinois family reunion registryView
33755Click to match with #33755
May 20, 1978UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
102505Click to match with #102505
May 23, 1982WinfieldDu PageIllinoisMaleOpen adoption record #102505 in Illinois family reunion registryView
16041Click to match with #16041
May 4, 1988UnknownDu PageIllinoisMaleAccess adoption record #16041 in Illinois family reunion registryView
16196Click to match with #16196
May 4, 1988UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
28739Click to match with #28739
May 1, 1990UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption listing #28739 in Illinois family reunion registryView
18433Click to match with #18433
May 1, 1991UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleView adoption listing #18433 in Illinois family reunion registryView
93224Click to match with #93224
May 21, 1991UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleAccess adoption listing #93224 in Illinois family reunion registryView
40308Click to match with #40308
May 18, 1993UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleOpen adoption record #40308 in Illinois family reunion registryView
86188Click to match with #86188
May 21, 1999UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleRead details of adoption listing #86188 in Illinois family reunion registryView
97640Click to match with #97640
May 26, 1999UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleAccess adoption record #97640 in Illinois family reunion registryView
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