You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in December in De Kalb county in Illinois, United States.
There are 29 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 21 to 29
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
73837Click to match with #73837
Dec 28, 1971UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption listing #73837 in Illinois family reunion registryView
95125Click to match with #95125
Dec 12, 1977UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleAccess adoption listing #95125 in Illinois family reunion registryView
26696Click to match with #26696
Dec 9, 1978UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleView adoption listing #26696 in Illinois family reunion registryView
91753Click to match with #91753
Dec 4, 1982UnknownUnknownIllinoisUnknownView adoption listing #91753 in Illinois family reunion registryView
19889Click to match with #19889
Dec 1983UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
9091Click to match with #9091
Dec 1984UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
110366Click to match with #110366
Dec 9, 1985De KalbDe KalbIllinoisUnknownOpen adoption record #110366 in Illinois family reunion registryView
108976Click to match with #108976
Dec 12, 1985UnknownUnknownIllinoisFemaleAccess adoption record #108976 in Illinois family reunion registryView
107333Click to match with #107333
Dec 4, 2000UnknownUnknownIllinoisMaleView adoption listing #107333 in Illinois family reunion registryView
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