You searched for all records by any registrant where the Adoptee was born in St. Maries, Idaho located in Benewah county, United States.
There are 52 records that match your search criteria.
Displaying records 41 to 52
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Record #BirthdateCityCountyStateGenderDetails
90173Click to match with #90173
Jan 24, 1986UnknownUnknownIdahoMaleRead details of adoption record #90173 in Idaho family reunion registryView
14898Click to match with #14898
Mar 1986UnknownUnknownIdahoMaleView adoption record #14898 in Idaho family reunion registryView
41835Click to match with #41835
1987UnknownUnknownIdahoUnknownView adoption record #41835 in Idaho family reunion registryView
32322Click to match with #32322
Jan 31, 1987UnknownUnknownIdahoMaleOpen adoption record #32322 in Idaho family reunion registryView
78632Click to match with #78632
Feb 6, 1987UnknownUnknownIdahoMaleAccess adoption listing #78632 in Idaho family reunion registryView
74308Click to match with #74308
Apr 12, 1987UnknownUnknownIdahoFemaleView adoption listing #74308 in Idaho family reunion registryView
32890Click to match with #32890
Jul 29, 1987UnknownUnknownIdahoUnknownThe registrant of this adoption record set it to a private listing.Private
95427Click to match with #95427
Nov 24, 1993UnknownUnknownIdahoFemaleView adoption listing #95427 in Idaho family reunion registryView
82194Click to match with #82194
Apr 11, 1996UnknownUnknownIdahoMaleAccess adoption listing #82194 in Idaho family reunion registryView
100831Click to match with #100831
Apr 28, 1999St. MariesBenewahIdahoMaleOpen adoption listing #100831 in Idaho family reunion registryView
110812Click to match with #110812
Apr 28, 1999St. MariesBenewahIdahoUnknownView adoption listing #110812 in Idaho family reunion registryView
110510Click to match with #110510
Jun 29, 2001UnknownUnknownIdahoUnknownRead details of adoption listing #110510 in Idaho family reunion registryView
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